With the bank holiday drawing to a close and the dread of returning back to work and school begins to creep back into everybody’s minds, you just can’t help yourself but think of the next Summer adventure you’re heading for. With over 68% of Brits taking one UK holiday a year, there are countless holiday guides online with the top places to visit.
Whilst you may have read all about Ziggy’s Welsh holiday last week, we were left dreaming of relaxation and the cows at the bottom of the garden, I felt inspired and grabbed myself one of Halford’s FREE Camping Guides to peruse where our next adventure could be.
Halfords Ultimate UK Camping Guide for the Avid Camper

Hold on a second. I can hear you laughing. Laura. Camping? They don’t go together in the same sentence surely? Well, let me burst that pink princess bubble you’ve got there. I absolutely love camping.
In fact, I love it that much that a couple of years ago when I went to Creamfields I wanted others to experience it that much that I gave up my space in a field for some other lucky person, whilst I stayed in a 4* hotel just down the road!
Fond Memories
Joking aside, some of my fondest memories come from camping. Toasting marshmallows on a fire, trying to find a toilet in the middle of the night, playing crazy camping games. Monumental occasions have happened in my childhood whilst camping and I can even pinpoint the exact campsite I was at the day Princess Diana’s death was announced.

From Pooley Bridge to Falmouth and even to the comfort of my own back garden there’s never a dull moment when you’re camping.
If you’re looking for some camping tips check out 5 tips for pop up camping
The Quiet Site
I’m no Bear Grylls mind, however, The Quiet Site (featured on page 9) in The Lake District comes highly recommended. An old school friend’s family used to run this and I spent many a day in the Summer holidays here, there are plenty of facilities and it’s situated in lovely surroundings, I remember playing in the stream that runs through the site, which is dog-friendly camping. Great for those spectacular walks and hikes. My favourites include Grasmere and the waterfalls of Aira Force.
As I sat in the garden enjoying the Sunshine with a Pimms in hand I hit the Edinburgh page, quickly flicking past as my experiences of Edinburgh are not of muddy fields and sleeping with the cattle, more Harvey Nichols and a few cocktails down the Royal Mile.
Soon enough I flicked to Cornwall and instantly read every single word on every single page. You see Kernow holds a special place in my heart. It’s somewhere that truly reminds me of my childhood Summers.
Looking for more staycations? You might want to read these:
- Staycations: Summer staycation – see the UK
- Bluestone Wales, the free-range fun family holiday
- Where to eat on your next Staycation
My first visit, August 1999 was when my Mum, Godmother, Aunt and 18-month-old cousin decided we would become eclipse chasers. We travelled by train from Newcastle to Falmouth on what seemed like the longest journey of my life.
Aged just 8 I vividly remember standing upon the hill between Swanpool beach and Gyllingvase beach as the place fell into blackness. The birds were cheeping frantically and champagne was being popped all around us.
Little did we know that this would be the beginning of a tradition. Every Summer thereafter we visited Falmouth and spent between a week and a fortnight travelling around Cornwall. Visiting the Eden Project twice, which is a must see! To St. Michaels Mount which is absolutely beautiful and comes highly recommended for a day out, but check when it’s low tide or you’ll not make it on to the Mount. Finally on page 32 in Halford’s Camping Guide is Land’s End.
We’ve been here a couple of times and not only is the scenery beautiful, there are so many activities including a small farm, interactive pirate adventures and if it’s a sunny day it’s essential to get yourself a Cornish ice cream.

Highly recommended (and not included in this guide) comes Padstow. Especially Rick Stein’s cafe – a top tip is to try and get out in the yard. The food is beautiful and the ambience is subtropical there. The harbour in Padstow is not only picturesque but great if you’ve got children.
Get yourself a crab line and some bacon (yes you heard right, bacon) and watch the crabs come to you. Another favourite hidden gem is Mousehole, it’s a virtually untouched harbour with narrow streets and the views from higher points are utterly breathtaking.
If you’re staying in Falmouth we recommend Gylly Beach Cafe. By night they do the most delicious food. The shopping is also something special.
If you’re looking for weathered, surfer chic then Falmouth is ideal for you. There are some quirky independent stores where you can pick up some one-offs. Make sure you hit up Fat Willys, Seasalt and Ann’s Cottage for some gorgeous finds.
Camping virgins
If you’re a camping virgin Halford’s Camping Guide also contains some fabulous handy tips. From picking the perfect tent to a ‘do not forget’ list. Not a camper? More into Glamping? They’ve even got that covered too! The Summer guide is jam-packed with amazing tips and tricks, games to play with the kids while you’re making the most of a very British Summer. Not wanting to camp in the UK and plans to camp abroad? Of course, you guessed it, Halford’s Ultimate Camping Guide has that covered too!
If you’re looking for a little inspiration. Or you’re eager to find out some of the UK’s top holiday spots from John O’Groats to Land’s End this guide has it covered.
The guide comes highly recommended. Whilst I’ve been sat reading it I’ve already chosen a new tent and a new destination we’ve never been to before for our next Dog-Blog holiday!
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