4 Easy Ways To Prolong the Freshness of Your Cigars

Once you get a hold of your perfect cigars, all you want to do is to ensure that it will stay fresh and the quality is still on top when you want to enjoy it. To help you, listed below are ways to prolong the freshness of your cigar easily. 

Store Them Properly

Storing your cigar properly is one of the best and easy ways to prolong the freshness of your cigar. It would be best to invest in a cigar humidor as they are designed specifically to prolong cigars’ life. A humidor is a box that controls the right level of humidity for your cigar. Their styles and sizes can vary, but here are some of the qualities you should look for when buying a humidor.

  • Huge capacity
  • Controlled humidity
  • Digital hygrometer
  • Neat storage option
  • Good lock mechanism 

While the features of humidors are different from each other, you can find an affordable one. And if you are serious about cigars, you can also find a lot of fancies and a cut above the humidor. 

4 Ways How to Easily Prolong the Freshness of Your Cigars | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Keep Cigars In The Original Box

If you just buy cigars in small amounts and don’t plan on keeping them longer, you can simply keep them in the original box and store them in a cool and dark place.

Cigars usually yield their flavours in five years or so. However, they can be dry, rot, and be infested in just days if they are not stored properly. So if you are just keeping them in the original box, you should be careful and use them within months or shorter. 

4 Ways How to Easily Prolong the Freshness of Your Cigars | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Moreover, inspect the cigar’s condition upon purchasing so you can ensure they are in optimal condition, and it will be easier for you to maintain them that way.

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Look For Alternative Storage

If you are a beginner in cigar hobby or just unsure about cigar collection and don’t have the means to invest in a humidor, you can just settle for alternative storage for now.

While there are viable alternatives for storage, you still have to do it carefully not to affect the cigar quality. You can ask cigar shops if they have disposable bags made for cigars especially, you can also store them in a jar, but it is only for a shorter period of time. 

Another option is cooler, and the easiest one you can find in your house is a zip-lock bag. These are just alternative solutions, and as mentioned, you still have to be careful as these don’t necessarily mean they will protect your cigar’s quality. 

4 Ways How to Easily Prolong the Freshness of Your Cigars | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Smoke The Cigars Right Away

If you do not have a humidor or any of the things listed above, you can opt to smoke your cigar right away and take advantage of it being fresh. Cigars can stay fresh and retain their quality inside the original box from two to four weeks. You can easily get new cigars every once in a while in your local cigar shops, online, and even in local gas stations and convenience stores.

Follow these tips above, and you can ensure that you can enjoy your cigar to its full potential. As the famous quote said, “Cigarettes are for chain-smoking, cigars must be smoked one at a time, peaceably, with all the leisure in the world. Cigarettes are of the instant, and cigars are for eternity.”

Have you got any other tips for keeping your cigars fresh? We would love to hear them in the comments section below. As always, if you have found this article of any value we would love for you to ‘Pin It’ on Pinterest and share with your friends and family across social media and beyond!

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