A Year Of Smart Investments For A Better You

A new year is the opportunity to contemplate your life and improve all the little areas that you’re not satisfied with. Of course, you could wish for a new haircut or a better job, but it’s best to focus on the core of the issue – yet, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t book your appointment at your favourite hairdressers. It’s just a matter of not confusing major improvements in life and easy transformations. As a general rule of thumb, we all want three things including smart investments:

  • Success, which relates to your professional career.
  • Money, which is rather straightforward but to put it clearly, it’s not just about making ends meet at the end of the month but finding the most valuable investments for your situation.
  • Health is a happy mixture of a healthy body and a healthy mind, or to put it, in other words, you want to look and feel like one of the top models you follow on Instagram.

Ultimately, now is the best time to consider your plan to improve your life by investing more in and for yourself. Here’s how to tackle your wishes for success, financial investments and health this year.

Make it a successful year

Don’t you want your job to be more meaningful and more enjoyable? There are only so many 9-5 days that one can manage in a frustrating and stressful office environment. Whether you work at home or for a company, it can be difficult to spend a stress-free and productive day. Please don’t blame it on the work. Sometimes investing in your work attitude can do wonders too!

Maximise your productivity

If you smiled when you read about the 9-5 working days because your routine feels more like a 7-11 day, you are probably overworking yourself. Yes, we get it; nobody is going to finish the job for you if you stop early. But working hard is not always the way, especially if you can’t improve your overall productivity. Spending long hours to do less has never been a solution! Instead, you need to learn to work smartly to improve your results.

The most obvious tip is for yourself: be greedy with your tie. It’s precious so don’t waste it on people and tasks that are of no benefit to you. Additionally, achieve more by partnering with those whose skills complement yours. You’ll be creating a win-win situation!

I recently posted about this in the article work smarter not harder. It covers how I’m only working 4 hour days and getting so much more done.

A year of smarter investments | How to have the best year making money and creating strong finances | Business tips | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Waste less time

Do you know how much time people spend working? According to www.atlassian.com/time-wasting-at-work-infographic, we all spend a lot of time not working when we mean. In fact, even the quickest reader will spend 16 minutes refocusing their attention after reading an email. More importantly, if you try to work while reading your email, the cognitive effect is the same as losing 10 IQ points!

Another big question to ask yourself if you work in a business is how many meetings are useful. With 50% of meetings being considered a waste of time, you might want to limit your attendance! In other words, working smartly is one thing, but reducing unnecessary interruptions of your working day is equally important to succeed this year.

A year of smarter investments | How to have the best year making money and creating strong finances | Business tips | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Create a decor that inspires

Finally, if you work at home, you might be suffering from a lack of inspiration, which is typically caused by a dull environment. No, we’re not saying your family is boring. But your home office decor might be! Take a look at the inspiring offices from some of the most creative companies to find out the kind of interior design you love. Google, for instance, has a bubbly interior that is full of colours and shapes to drive the imagination. Skype focuses on a sophisticated look to improve your sense of purposefulness.

Make it a financially profitable year

One of the safest investment strategies is to focus on the real estate market. Why is it so easy for newcomers to the financial world? Because a house is a tangible good that you can modify, improve, and sell at the best price. As such, it’s also an emotional market where a lot of buyers still respond to love-at-first-sight sensations, which makes it an easy platform for wealth development for creative individuals.

Buy to sell

Maximise property investment

If you’re looking to generate passive but regular income from your properties, you should be looking for a buy to let option or a house with tenants. In the UK, it’s best to look for urban houses and flats to target active tenants or students, if you choose a university town. However, you need to accept that your interior will reflect the taste of each tenant. If you prefer to express your creativity, you should be looking for properties you can let to holidaymakers. Have a look at new development properties

www.propertyguru.com.my/resources/buy-property-guide/the-complete-guide-to-purchasing-a-new-development-property in touristic areas. These are more likely to come with the latest tech and isolation facilities. You’ll find it easier to let a modern and comfortable house!

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Should You Move or Renovate To Achieve Your Dream Home?
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Add value to your property

What if you want to climb the property ladder by selling properties at a higher price than the one you paid? Aside from checking the market fluctuations, you need to consider home improvements to add value to the property. For instance, a boxy flat in London can be transformed into a clean and attractive environment by letting the light in and maximising the functionality of the small space. Similarly, a family home can benefit from the addition of a second bathroom or a kitchen extension.

A year of smarter investments | How to have the best year making money and creating strong finances | Business tips | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Work with experts

Finally, developing properties is not something you should start without knowledge of. Amateurs can make costly mistakes without the guidance of experts. Consider carefully where you’re buying your home: poor public transport links or houses on busy roads are a bad plan. And always review your builder credentials when planning renovation work!

A year of smarter investments | How to have the best year making money and creating strong finances | Business tips | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

A happy mind in a healthy body

Being healthy in your body and your mind is the message that a lot of active lifestyle bloggers and Instagram profiles promote. It’s not only a positive model to aspire to, but it can also help you to achieve other personal objectives. Whether you want to drop a dress size or to feel more confident, you need to invest some time caring for yourself first!

Boost your health

You know how it is: it’s only January and you already have plans of following a strict diet to get rid of the extra Christmas pounds. Unfortunately, the most common dieting mistake is that people assume that consuming fewer calories will lead to achieving a dream bikini figure. You don’t need to deprive yourself; you need to embrace a healthier diet altogether.

According to www.huffingtonpost.com/healthiest-diets-world, the healthiest diets in the world are based on natural and local produce. The Mediterranean diet, for instance, focuses on tomatoes, peppers, fresh cheese, olive oil and sea fish. In short, eat seasonal and organic food.

The Med diet: healthy and balanced

Looking for the best workout

Admittedly, eating healthy meals is only one side of the coin. You need to add exercise, as keeping an active lifestyle helps your body support natural functions. But it doesn’t mean you should join your local gym if you’re not a treadmill person. You can walk every day, or choose to join a dance class. When it comes to workouts, your main priority is to keep moving, not to target spot body areas you dislike.

A year of smarter investments | How to have the best year making money and creating strong finances | Business tips | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Look after yourself

Finally, your body and your mind need rest to stay healthy. Stress and fatigue can affect your look, your mood and your body! Therefore it’s crucial to know how to relax every night for a refreshing sleep. From nighttime meditation to bathing in essential oil, learn to leave your stress out of the bedroom door!

Are you ready to invest more in yourself this year? Make it your most successful, wealthiest, and healthiest year so far!

Have you got any tips for investing in yourself this year? Drop them below

Of course, as always, I’d love you to pin this post for later

A year of smarter investments | How to have the best year making money and creating strong finances | Business tips | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog
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