Can you remember when we reviewed AA Skincare’s Roll-on Deodorant? Fast forward a year and we’re back to reviewing another deodorant, Perspirex. If you read the post then about my armpit issues, I can very much confirm that nothing has changed despite several trips to the doctors, some awful prescribed deodorant and a lot of time spent online researching what it might be. Safe to say my results were conclusive, Google confirmed I was going to die.
Update: Since publishing this Perspirex review I have had Botox on the NHS multiple times now, for diagnosed hyperhidrosis. You can read all about getting the correct diagnosis and the steps I took to get to this point which includes 6 monthly Botox injections in both of my armpits. This has not only stopped the excess sweating but has massively improved my anxiety and mental health.

How Perspirex Can Help You At Festivals This Summer
Perspirex review
As you know, Summer is fast approaching and festival season is ramping up much like my armpit issue, which is showing no signs of letting up. I decided to give Perspirex a try to see if this would help to reduce the sweating. This specific deodorant claims that you only need to apply it once every three days. This is somewhat similar to the concept of the prescribed deodorant I had previously been given by the doctors (it did have the same smell when I rolled it on). This deodorant has been designed to temporarily limit the function of your sweat glands. Which is similar to the concept of botox in your armpits.
Do note though, applying this deodorant and the NHS issued roll-on both can cause irritation. This is simply because the ingredients used to temporarily paralyse your sweat glands can cause a little irritation. I’ve found that after 15-20 minutes this disappears.

Keeping hygienic at festivals
As you only use it once every three days, and it really reduces the production of sweat, this makes this Perspirex an amazing solution for festival-goers, campers, those travelling and hiking. In fact, any environment where space is limited and living in a field means compromises to hygiene are made I strongly recommend this Perspirex deodorant. Especially as it comes in a neat compact little rollerball packaging which is great for if you are short of space or need it on the go.
Me, however, I’m ever hopeful for the next trip to the doctors to result in Botox in my armpit as whilst Perspirex is great short term and for those who sweat a normal amount, it’s not a long term solution for me. Hopefully, while the doctor is at it I might ask if them if they’ll put some botox in my face too!

You absolutely should purchase Perspirex if you’re going on holiday, camping or to a festival this Summer to help you stay feeling fresher and cleaner for longer, reduce the amount that you sweat and if you only want to apply every couple of days. Perspirex is available from most major chemists such as Boots, Chemist Direct, or supermarkets such as Asda and Sainsbury’s. Alternatively, you can purchase a bottle directly from Amazon below.
I’d love to know, have you had issues with excess sweating or if you think you are struggling with hyperhidrosis? Drop your challenges in the comments section below and I’ll try and help you with my personal experience and suggestions. As always if this article has been of some value to you, and you think it could help a friend or family member, I’d love for you to share it across Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or anywhere else online you think would help people.