Pop, pop, clink. When this beauty arrived on my doorstep my first words to my mum were “we used to pop Moet but now we’re popping MOA”, joking aside arriving in a cardboard box with beautiful branding on the front the bottle itself is was an explosion of magic.

In case you’ve never heard of MOA, it’s a 34 super-food clean nutrition drink from the finest products sourced from around the globe. Winner of a US prestigious award ‘The Stevie’ for its contribution and accomplishment to the health and pharmacy sector.

How do the ingredients in MOA help with arthritis?
One of the ingredients is a Mataki mushroom, which costs £4,500 per kilo. PER KILO! That’s more than the cost of gold! Amazing eh? This stunning super-food drink not only is made from exotic and fabulous ingredients it contains no additives or preservatives it’s 100% clean.
So Laura what’s your point? My point is it arrived and with a price tag of over £25 a bottle for a two week supply my Mum looked at me and went “are you kidding, for that?” as she rolled her eyes. She knows I’m a marketer’s dream and would try anything to lose weight or to have a healthier life.
After the eye-rolling exchange I began to explain the anti-inflammatory properties the super-foods produced due to the high level of antioxidants it presents. Yeah yeah yeah she said again rolling her eyes.
She’s seen it all potions and lotions, pills and everything, see she suffers from osteoarthritis in her knees and really struggles with the pain and some days it affects her movement. I looked at her and said please just try it (knowing full well how great it would be for her) she agreed. So with a morning shot and an evening shot she set off the beginning of the week on her MOA voyage.

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A week on and she’s come off the 20 or so pain relief tablets she was taking, because of this she says she’s no longer feeling spaced out. She enjoys the peppery kick and genuinely looks forward to her two shots a day! The best part of it all, she’s noticed the pain has decreased.
My MOA’s verdict of MOA
She shook off the shock of the price tag for the benefits that this seriously powerful stuff has been having on her. If you do find this too expensive, similar products are a bit more budget-friendly. I asked her to give some feedback (as if she was some food critic – which she lapped up) and this was her response:
“I thought that it [the MOA]was going to be another one of these things that say it creates world peace and feeds all the third world countries – making false claims left, right and centre.
It really is amazing stuff; I particularly enjoy the peppery kick and look forward to my shots. We’ve added it to sauces to get our superfood intake which is great for those with children. So those who worry about them getting the benefits of eating 5 a day need worry no more.
Not only am I enjoying MOA but I’m also feeling other benefits besides the reduction in pain in my knees. I feel healthier and more alert. Alongside this, my mood has greatly improved. My immune system already feels more robust. Working in an office full of sniffles and sickness I’ve managed to avoid it this time and I know it’s down to the MOA. I’m getting two shots of pure goodness into my system a day. I feel more energetic through now with the nutrients, which aren’t found in an everyday diet.
I’ve also noticed a slight drop in my weight. Not a huge drop but a noticeable drop. Without even changing my diet and when I’ve read up about the ingredients in MOA.I’ve noticed Agave not only has anti-inflammatory properties. It can help with weight loss too! Therefore another bonus for MOA.
I can’t recommend this enough and know that this had replaced my prescribed prescription indefinitely.”

MOA & Fibromyalgia
Next up, trying MOA on my best friend’s mum who has Fibromyalgia. What’s she got to lose? She’s constantly in horrendous pain and if it works for my Mum. Hopefully, it might work for her too. Want to give MOA a shot? Order it here.
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