8 Of The Best Prom Hairstyles

How To Stop Hair From Falling Out | Hair | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog | How much do quality human hair extensions cost?

Prom is by far one of the most memorable and important days of your teenage life. And is one that should leave an unforgettable imprint on everyone’s mind, including yours. Every time you reflect on your prom night, it should bring laughter, smiles, joy, gladness and the elegant manner you carried yourself that day. Your […]

How To Choose The Ideal Location For Your New Beauty Salon

Levoi Nail Bar Hen Party in Newcastle | Beauty Guide | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

So, you’re ready to turn your dream into a reality and open a new beauty salon. You should have researched your business model thoroughly and have a thorough idea of what you want – what your salon is going to look like, the services you’re going to offer, the staff you’re going to employ, the […]

More than just a word: why organic beauty products are so much better

Why you need to switch your beauty products to organic skin care | Go Vegan | Tropic Skincare | Beauty Blog | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

It’s rumoured that, by 2020, there will 327% more vegans in the UK. However, going vegan doesn’t always have to mean following a plant-based diet. You can go vegan with your skincare routine by reaching for organic products! Our skin is the largest living, breathing organ of the human body. A lot of what we […]

8 Crazy Myths You Need To Know About Teeth Whitening Solutions

Teen There are many teeth whitening solutions and just as many myths. We've dispelled some of the biggest whitening fads so you can get whiter teeth fast! | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

There are so many myths surrounding whitening your teeth: what is good for your teeth. What type of solution will whiten your teeth but damage them horribly, which solution will actually do a deep clean and whiten them at the deepest level, and which will just do a surface clean on your teeth? Learning about […]