11 Ways on How to Manifest Anything You Want

We’re about to teach you how to manifest anything you want. Really…anything you want. ANYTHING. We are limitless beings. Manifesting is the process of bringing your desires and goals into reality. It’s about aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with what you want to achieve. It’s the art of creating your own reality through the power of your thoughts and emotions.

Everybody has the ‘power’ and ability to manifest, not some people. Not just chosen people. Everybody. You don’t question the Law of Gravity? So why question the other 9 Universal Laws such as the Law of Attraction or Law of Assumption?

You’ve probably heard of the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, this just scratches the surface. Here are 11 tips on how to manifest anything you want.

Get really specific on what you want to manifest

Being clear and specific about what you want is crucial in the manifestation process. It’s important to take the time to really think about what you want and to be specific in the details. When you’re specific, you’re able to focus your thoughts and energy on the right things, which increases the chances of manifesting what you want.

For example, instead of just saying, “I want a new car,” be specific and say, “I want a red convertible sports car with a black interior, leather seats, and a sunroof. I want it to be a certain make and model, with a certain horsepower and fuel efficiency. And I want it to be parked in my driveway by a certain date.” This level of specificity helps you to focus on the exact thing you want and will make it easier for you to visualise it and take action towards manifesting it.

Additionally, you can go beyond just visualising the item itself but also the feelings, emotions and experiences that come with having this item. For example, if you want a new car, you may also want to experience the feeling of freedom and independence, the emotions of excitement and joy and the experiences of going on road trips and impressing your friends. By incorporating these feelings, emotions and experiences into your visualisation, you’ll be able to create a more vivid and powerful image of what you want, and it will increase your desire to manifest it.

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In summary, clearly defining and being specific about what you want is a crucial step in the manifestation process. By being specific, you’re able to focus your thoughts and energy on the right things, which increases the chances of manifesting what you want. It is also important to include the feelings, emotions and experiences that come with having what you want in your visualisation to make it more powerful.

Set a goal

Setting a goal is an essential step in learning how to manifest. It’s important to have a clear and measurable goal in mind, so you know what you’re working towards. It’s also important to make sure that your goal is achievable and realistic, otherwise, you’re likely to become discouraged when you don’t achieve it.

When setting your goal, it’s important to write it down. Putting your goal in writing makes it more tangible and helps you to focus on it. It also allows you to track your progress and make adjustments as needed.

One helpful tip is to break your goal down into smaller, manageable steps. This can help to make the goal feel less daunting and more achievable. For example, if your goal is to buy a new car, break it down into smaller steps such as researching car models, visiting car dealerships, test driving cars, getting a loan, and finally making the purchase. By breaking your goal down into smaller steps, it will be easier to focus on the next task at hand and make progress towards achieving your overall goal.

It is also important to set a deadline for achieving your goal. This will give you a sense of urgency and motivation to take action, and it will also help you to measure your progress. Setting a deadline also helps to make the goal feel more tangible and real.

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In summary, setting a goal is an essential step in the manifestation process. It’s important to have a clear and measurable goal in mind, make sure it’s achievable and realistic, and write it down. Breaking your goal down into smaller, manageable steps and setting a deadline for achieving it, will make it easier to focus on the next task at hand, measure your progress, and give you a sense of urgency and motivation to take action.

Believe in yourself

Believing in yourself is a crucial step in the manifestation process. When you believe that you are capable of manifesting what you want and that it’s possible for you to achieve your goal, it becomes much easier to take the necessary actions to make it happen, especially when you know how to manifest.

One of the key aspects of believing in yourself is having self-confidence. Self-confidence is the belief in your ability to achieve your goals and handle difficult situations. When you believe in yourself, you’re more likely to take risks and try new things, which increases your chances of manifesting what you want.

Another important aspect of believing in yourself is having a positive self-image. A positive self-image is a belief that you are a valuable and worthy person. When you believe that you are valuable and worthy, you’re more likely to take the necessary actions to manifest what you want, because you believe that you deserve it.

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It is also important to believe that you deserve to have what you want. Sometimes, people may think that they don’t deserve to have certain things, or that they’re not good enough to achieve certain goals. This type of thinking will hold you back from manifesting what you want because you’re not putting out the energy to attract it. When you believe that you deserve to have what you want, you’re putting out positive energy, and you’re more likely to manifest it.

In summary, believing in yourself is a crucial step in the manifestation process. When you believe that you are capable of manifesting what you want, it becomes much easier to take the necessary actions to make it happen. This includes having self-confidence, a positive self-image, and believing that you deserve to have what you want. When you believe in yourself, you’re more likely to take risks and try new things, which increases your chances of manifesting what you want.


Visualisation is a powerful tool in the manifestation process. It involves using your imagination to create mental images of what you want to manifest. By visualising yourself already having what you want, you are effectively telling your mind that it is possible and that it is something you already have. This helps to align your thoughts and energy with your goal, making it more likely for it to manifest in your reality.

One effective way to visualise is to take some time each day to close your eyes and imagine yourself already having what you want. See yourself in different scenarios, such as driving your new car, living in your dream home or holding your finished book. As you visualise, try to focus on the feelings and emotions you would experience if you already had what you wanted. Imagine yourself feeling happy, fulfilled, and content. This will help to create a more vivid and powerful image of what you want, and it will increase your desire to manifest it.

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Another effective visualisation technique is to create a vision board. A vision board is a collage of images, words, and phrases that represent what you want to manifest. By looking at your vision board every day, you are reminded of your goal and it will help to keep you focused on it.

You can also use other techniques such as guided meditations, affirmations, and journaling to help you visualise and manifest what you want. Guided meditations can help you to focus your thoughts and energy on what you want and to create a sense of peace and calm. Affirmations can help to reprogram your mind and align your thoughts with your goals. Journaling can help you to track your progress and make adjustments as needed.

In summary, visualisation is a powerful tool in the manifestation process. It involves using your imagination to create mental images of what you want to manifest. By visualising yourself already having what you want, you are effectively telling your mind that it is possible and that it is something you already have. This helps to align your thoughts and energy with your goal, making it more likely for it to manifest in your reality. Techniques such as creating a vision board, guided meditations, affirmations, and journaling can also be used to help you visualise and manifest what you want.

Repeat your Affirmations

Using affirmations is a powerful tool in the manifestation process. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself, with the intention of reprogramming your mind and aligning your thoughts with your goals. When you repeat affirmations, they help to replace negative thoughts and beliefs with positive ones, making it easier to manifest what you want.

It is important to choose affirmations that are specific to your goal and that resonate with you. Affirmations such as “I am worthy of this,” “I am capable of achieving this,” or “I am attracting this into my life,” are examples of affirmations that can be used to manifest different types of goals.

For example, if your goal is to manifest a new job, you could use affirmations such as “I am confident in my abilities and I am a valuable asset to any company,” “I am open and ready for new opportunities,” or “I am worthy of a fulfilling and well-paying job.” These affirmations will help to reprogram your mind and align your thoughts with your goal of finding a new job.

It is also important to use the present tense when stating affirmations as if it has already happened. For example, “I am attracting abundance into my life” instead of “I will attract abundance into my life”

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It’s best to repeat your affirmations daily, ideally in the morning and before bed. It’s also helpful to write them down, so you can read them throughout the day. Repeat your affirmations with conviction and energy, and believe in them as if they’re already true.

In summary, using affirmations is a powerful tool in the manifestation process. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself, with the intention of reprogramming your mind and aligning your thoughts with your goals. They help to replace negative thoughts and beliefs with positive ones, making it easier to manifest what you want. It’s important to choose affirmations that are specific to your goal, use present tense and repeat them daily, with conviction and energy, and believe in them as if they’re already true.

Taking action

Taking action is an essential step in the manifestation process. Manifesting what you want requires more than just thinking or visualising it, you need to take action to make it happen.

When you take action, you’re putting your thoughts and energy into motion. You’re showing the universe that you’re serious about achieving your goal and that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

It’s important to set a plan and take consistent actions towards your goal. It could be small steps or big steps, but they all add up and bring you closer to your goal. For example, if your goal is to buy a new car, taking action could mean researching different car models, visiting car dealerships, test driving cars, getting a loan, and finally making the purchase.

It’s also important to be flexible and open to new opportunities. Sometimes, the universe may present you with unexpected opportunities that can help you achieve your goal in a different way. Be open to these opportunities and trust that the universe is working in your favour.

It’s also important to note that taking action doesn’t mean working hard and pushing yourself. It’s about working smarter, not harder. It’s also important to take care of yourself and make sure you’re not burning out. This means taking time to rest and recharge so that you can have the energy and focus to take action towards your goal.

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Additionally, it’s important to track and measure your progress. This will help you to see how far you’ve come and make any adjustments to your plan if needed. It will also give you a sense of accomplishment, and it will help you to stay motivated.

It’s also important to remember that taking action also involves letting go of things that no longer serve you. This could be negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, toxic relationships or anything else that is holding you back from achieving your goal. By letting go of these things, you make space for new opportunities and positive energy to flow into your life.

In conclusion, taking action is an essential step in the manifestation process. It’s important to set a plan, take consistent actions towards your goal, be flexible and open to new opportunities, track and measure your progress, take care of yourself and let go of things that no longer serve you. Remember, taking action is not just about working hard, but working smart, and enjoying the journey.

Letting go of limiting beliefs

Letting go of limiting beliefs is an essential step in the manifestation process. Limiting beliefs are negative thoughts or beliefs that hold you back from achieving your goals. They can be deeply ingrained in your subconscious mind, and they can be difficult to recognise and release.

Examples of limiting beliefs include “I’m not good enough,” “I can’t have what I want,” “I’m not smart enough,” “I’m not rich enough,” “It’s too hard,” “It’s impossible” and so on. These beliefs can prevent you from taking action towards your goals, and they can also block the flow of positive energy and opportunities that are necessary for manifestation.

To recognise and release limiting beliefs, it’s important to become aware of them. One way to do this is to pay attention to the thoughts that come into your mind and to observe any patterns or negative thoughts that come up. It’s also helpful to journal about your thoughts and beliefs, as this can help you to identify and understand them better.

Once you become aware of your limiting beliefs, it’s important to challenge them. For example, if you have a belief that says, “I’m not good enough,” ask yourself, “Why do I believe this?” and “Is this belief true?” When you challenge your limiting beliefs, you can begin to see that they are not true, and they are holding you back from achieving your goals.

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Another way to release limiting beliefs is through affirmations and visualisation. Affirmations such as “I am good enough,” “I deserve to have what I want,” and “I am capable of achieving my goals,” can help to reprogram your mind and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Visualising yourself achieving your goal and feeling confident and capable can also help to release limiting beliefs.

In summary, letting go of limiting beliefs is an essential step in the manifestation process. Limiting beliefs are negative thoughts or beliefs that hold you back from achieving your goals. To recognise and release limiting beliefs, it’s important to become aware of them, challenge them and replace them with positive affirmations and visualisation. By letting go of limiting beliefs, you can open yourself up to new opportunities and positive energy, making it easier to manifest what you want.

Surround yourself with positivity

Surrounding yourself with positivity is an important step in the manifestation process. Positive people and energy can help to keep you motivated and on track towards achieving your goal. They can also provide support and encouragement when things get tough. On the other hand, negative people and energy can bring you down and make it harder for you to manifest what you want.

One way to surround yourself with positivity is to spend time with people who are supportive of your goals and who have a positive attitude towards life. These people will help to keep you motivated and on track, and they will also provide you with a sense of encouragement and motivation.

You can also surround yourself with positivity by engaging in activities that bring you joy and a sense of fulfilment. For example, if you love nature, you can go for a walk in the park, or if you enjoy reading, you can pick up a book that inspires you. These activities will help to lift your mood and provide you with a sense of peace and positivity.

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Another way to surround yourself with positivity is to be mindful of the media you consume. Be selective about what you read, watch or listen to, and avoid consuming negative or toxic content. Instead, choose content that uplifts and inspires you, such as motivational speeches, books, podcasts, and videos.

It’s also important to practice gratitude and to focus on the things you have in your life, rather than what you don’t have. This will help to shift your focus from a lack mindset to an abundance mindset, and it will also help to attract more positive energy and opportunities into your life.

In addition, you can also surround yourself with positive affirmations, visualisations, and symbols. For example, you can have positive affirmations on sticky notes around your house, a vision board in your room or office, or symbols that represent your goals and desires in your environment. These visual cues will help to keep your mind focused on what you want to manifest and help you to stay in a positive state of mind.

In summary, surrounding yourself with positivity is an important step in the manifestation process. Positive people and energy can help to keep you motivated and on track towards achieving your goal. To surround yourself with positivity, spend time with supportive people, engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfilment, be mindful of the media you consume, practice gratitude, and use positive affirmations, visualisations and symbols in your environment. Avoiding negative people and energy, as they will only bring you down and make it harder for you to manifest what you want.

Be grateful daily

Practising gratitude is an important step in the manifestation process. When you’re grateful, you’re putting positive energy out into the universe, and you’re attracting more positive things into your life. Gratitude helps to shift your focus from a lack mindset to an abundance mindset, and it helps to increase your positive energy and vibration.

One way to practice gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal. Each day, write down at least three things that you’re grateful for. This could be something as simple as the sun shining or something as significant as a new job opportunity. Reflecting on the things that you’re grateful for will help to shift your focus from what you lack to what you already have.

Another way to practice gratitude is to say thank you for the things that you want to manifest in the future as if you already have them. For example, if you’re manifesting a new car, you can say thank you for the car, for the way it makes you feel, for the freedom, it gives you and so on. This will help to create a sense of already having what you want, and it will help to increase your positive energy and vibration.

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You can also practice gratitude by doing random acts of kindness. This could be as simple as paying for someone’s coffee or leaving a note of appreciation for someone. Doing something kind for others will not only make them feel good, but it will also make you feel good and increase your gratitude.

In summary, practising gratitude is an important step in the manifestation process. When you’re grateful, you’re putting positive energy out into the universe, and you’re attracting more positive things into your life. To practice gratitude, keep a gratitude journal, say thank you for the things you want to manifest as if you already have them, and do random acts of kindness. These practices will help to shift your focus from a lack mindset to an abundance mindset and increase your positive energy and vibration, making it easier to manifest what you want.

Let it all unfold with Patience

Being patient is an important step in the manifestation process. Manifestation takes time, and it may not happen overnight. Trusting the process and being patient are crucial to achieving your goals.

One way to be patient is to set realistic goals and deadlines. When you set a goal, it’s important to be realistic and to give yourself enough time to achieve it. This will help you to avoid feeling discouraged if you don’t see results right away.

It’s also important to focus on the journey, not just the destination. Instead of getting caught up in the end result, focus on the small steps and progress that you’re making towards your goal. Celebrate each small victory and appreciate the journey. This will help you to stay motivated and to enjoy the process.

Another way to be patient is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment. By being mindful, you can release any negative thoughts or feelings that might be holding you back. Mindfulness can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, making it easier to be patient.

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It’s also important to remember that the universe works in its own time and in its own way. Sometimes, things may not happen as quickly as we want them to, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not going to happen. Trust that the universe has a plan and that everything will happen when the time is right.

In summary, being patient is an important step in the manifestation process. Manifestation takes time, and it may not happen overnight. To be patient, set realistic goals and deadlines, focus on the journey, practice mindfulness, and trust that the universe works in its own time and in its own way. Remember that it’s important to not get discouraged if you don’t see results right away.

Keep a positive attitude

Keeping a positive attitude is a vital step in the manifestation process. Maintaining a positive attitude and keeping your thoughts focused on your goal will help to manifest what you want in your life. When you have a positive attitude, you’re sending positive energy out into the universe, and you’re attracting positive things into your life.

One way to keep a positive attitude is to practice positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are short, powerful statements that you can say to yourself to help change your mindset. They can be simple phrases such as “I am capable,” “I am worthy,” “I am attracting abundance,” and so on. Repeat these affirmations to yourself throughout the day, and they will help to shift your mindset and keep you focused on your goal.

Another way to keep a positive attitude is to surround yourself with positive things. This could be anything from positive quotes to pictures of things you want to manifest or even things that make you happy. Having these positive things around you will help to keep your mind focused on your goal and maintain a positive attitude.

It’s also important to practice mindfulness and to be aware of your thoughts. When you’re mindful, you can recognise negative thoughts when they arise and shift them to a more positive perspective. For example, if you catch yourself thinking “I’ll never be able to achieve this,” shift your thoughts to “I am capable and I will achieve this.”

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It’s also essential to practice gratitude. When you’re grateful for what you have and for the things that you will manifest in the future, you’re putting positive energy out into the universe and attracting more positive things into your life.

In summary, keeping a positive attitude is a vital step in the manifestation process. Maintaining a positive attitude and keeping your thoughts focused on your goal will help to manifest what you want in your life. To keep a positive attitude, practice positive affirmations, surround yourself with positive things, practice mindfulness, and practice gratitude. By doing this, you’ll be sending positive energy out into the universe and attracting positive things into your life.

How to manifest anything

In conclusion, how to manifest anything you want requires a combination of different techniques and approaches. The first step is to be clear and specific about what you want and then set a clear and achievable goal for yourself. Next, you must believe in yourself and your ability to manifest what you want. Visualization, affirmations, and action are also important steps in the manifestation process. Letting go of limiting beliefs, surrounding yourself with positivity, practising gratitude, and being patient are also essential steps in the manifestation process.

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It’s important to remember that manifesting what you want is not a one-time effort, but a continuous process. It requires consistent focus and effort, but also patience and trust in the universe. By incorporating these techniques and approaches, you’ll be able to manifest what you want in your life and create the reality you desire.