3 reasons why theatre is still relevant in the modern world

The theatre is one of the oldest arts the world knows that continues to develop constantly throughout time. What modern conditions explain that the theatre is still actual? Several reasons stand out from the other aspects, so get acquainted with them below. To learn the best places to have a theatrical experience, visit the page https://artdevivre.com/articles/best-cities-for-theatre-aficionados/ provided by the ArtDeVivre platform.

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Reason No.1 – the classic art

The theatre is one of the fundamental arts that influenced people throughout the ages. It developed among the baseline arts, along with fine art and music, so it resulted in many other branches appearing. Moreover, on-stage performance is a unique experience for all the parties in action – both actors and spectators.

It allows the expression of feelings and ideas to the audience directly, without intermediaries that distort the initial message. People realize it and support the development of modern performance directions, even though it’s not as popular as before. 

Reason No.2 – enhanced experience

As we mentioned, the theatrical experience is the direct transmission of thoughts, ideas, and emotions, which is the level-up for the viewer’s experience just itself. But modern opportunities provide for even better feel due to the following:

  • Enhanced acoustic opportunities. First amphitheatres’ construction considered the acoustic laws, and there was no need for additional appliances for every viewer to see and hear the performance. Many of these rules are abandoned today, but technical equipment helps fix these inconveniences.
  • More varied decorations. The mechanisms for lifting the decorations, installing, and moving them help use wider diversity and more considerable size of backgrounds. Projector screens allow for even more advanced options, allowing to raise the quality of lighting and other aspects. 
  • The particular place for music. Live orchestra performance is never replaceable for top performances, but it now can be a solution for amateur shows or small premises. Using speakers for such cases helps make theatre more affordable and accessible for various audiences and actors.

Regarding the abovementioned, it’s easy to understand why theatre-like performances are widespread among all social groups and levels – from schoolers to prisoners. Nowadays, it’s easy to play and arrange — the only problem is finding a talented actor.

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Reason No.3 – linking the ages

The last but not least reason is that theatre unites all ages in all meanings. It originates in rituals people performed to serve Gods, celebrate events (like weddings or funerals), etc. Then, it becomes a tool for expressing social moods and ideas and represents the current perception of the present. Now it is a tool for learning history and expressing ideas.

At every stage of our lives, we encounter theatre in some form. So even if we don’t realize we face theatrical art, it’s a part of our lives.

Theatres are perfect for learning, relaxing, distracting, educating, and self-expressing. The issue is finding a decent place to enjoy the performance, and there’s where the ArtDeVivre blog can help you. Join the community to keep updated on the latest articles and learn more with artdevivre.com!


In conclusion, theatre has remained a relevant and important art form in the modern world for several reasons. Firstly, it represents a classic art form that has endured through the ages and has the ability to connect with audiences on a deep, emotional level.

Secondly, the live and immersive nature of theatre provides an enhanced experience for the audience, creating a sense of community and shared experience that cannot be replicated through other forms of media.

Finally, theatre has the unique ability to link the past and present, connecting different generations through shared stories, themes, and experiences. Despite the rise of digital media and other forms of entertainment, theatre continues to be a valuable and integral part of our cultural landscape, and its relevance is likely to endure for many years to come.