7 Easy Beauty Hacks For You Without Breaking The Bank

Let’s talk beauty hacks, it is true when they say that the best things in life are free, but we also know that maintaining our skincare, grooming, and hygiene comes with a price.

Gone are the days a good soap is enough to look and feel good. Nowadays, maintaining a beauty routine can be expensive, especially with beauty treatments like hair wax removal, facial treatments, and laser hair removal procedures

You can always learn how to become a proper beautician and you can even make money from home. Offering beauty services to the community will be a fulfilling choice, especially when you see your customers walk away happy.

7 Easy Beauty Hacks For You Without Breaking The Bank 1

Below are some of the timeless beauty hacks that will help save that moolah for other essential things.

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1. Drink Water

This has been one of the most simple beauty hacks that is usually neglected by ladies nowadays. Our body needs water, and it will look and feel good when it is hydrated. That expensive makeup and treatments will mean nothing if the body is dehydrated.

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Aside from the numerous health benefits, drinking water has a magical way of making our skin healthy and glowing. Who needs that $250 highlighter if the key to youthful, glowing skin is readily available in the pantry?

2. Take Vitamins And Eat Healthily 

Vitamins and minerals play an essential part in skin health. One of the important vitamins you need to take daily is vitamin A. Some of the benefits of vitamin A for skin include strengthening the skin’s immune system, preventing breakouts, hydrating your skin, and promoting healing. Another vitamin that’s good for your skin is vitamin C. It increases the production of elastin and collagen, which play a major role in keeping your skin firm and youthful. And like vitamin A, it can speed up healing. 

Aside from taking vitamins, you need to eat healthily. Incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet. For instance, you can add blueberries and wheat germ to the batter when you make pancakes or waffles for breakfast. To relish a nutritious lunch, prepare tuna or chicken salad with chopped vegetables or fruits, like grated carrots, celery, cucumber, dried cranberries, or pineapples. For dinner, you can add an extra serving of salad or vegetables and reduce your portion of meat.

3. Lock those Pores

We all know that breakouts can be a totally b*tch; it even comes out during days when we need to look flawlessly beautiful. But before rushing to the dermatologists to prick those pimples and pay for facial treatments, try using the wonders of ice first. 

Yes, gently rubbing ice on the face after cleansing will help tighten pores. Do it for a good fifteen seconds, and those pores will surely be locked and free from oil clogging. It also firms up the skin and improves blood circulation, which helps achieve younger-looking skin. 

4. Moisturize

When it comes to skincare, there are only three necessary steps to remember: cleanse, tone, and moisturize. A ten-step skincare routine is not necessary once you have mastered the cleanse-tone-moisturize trick. The key is knowing your skincare type, so it will be easy to buy products that will fit its needs. 

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A perfect moisturizer doesn’t have to come in a fancy bottle and expensive price tag. One excellent moisturizer is aloe vera gel; it feels very light and would even feel more refreshing if stored in the fridge. If aloe vera gel feels too light, coconut oil is another cheap alternative. Coconut oil helps lock the moisture on the skin.  

5. Keep Eyebrows Groomed

Beauty hacks essential number 4. When all else fails, a groomed eyebrow will be a woman’s lifesaver. Kidding aside, never underestimate the power of a groomed eyebrow, it has the power to make one look put-together despite the absence of makeup. 

When people look at those pretty faces, the first thing they notice is the eyes, and a good brow helps frame the face beautifully. Groom those brows by plucking it according to the shape of choice. Just be easy on it as eyebrows hair gets thinner as we age and may not grow back.

Having a great magnifying makeup mirror, such as any one of these, will also help you do this task effortlessly.

Moreover, make it a habit to brush the brows using a spoolie brush and, if needed, fill the gaps by using light strokes of brow pencil. Filling in the brows may require some practice, though, so don’t be discouraged if it takes a few tries to perfect it. You can always check out guides to learn and understand the process easily.

6. Remove Makeup

No matter how long and tiring the day has been, always remove those makeup before going to bed. We could not emphasize this enough as leaving makeup on overnight will make skin age fast. 

Again, no need to buy expensive makeup remover, some natural makeup removers are found in the kitchen like coconut oil, milk, baking soda with honey, cucumber, and the best of it all, steaming. 

7. Sell Makeup

We all have that impulsive buying moment when it comes to makeup only to realize that we don’t need that much. So instead of storing those barely used makeups until it expires, why not try selling them online? Nowadays, you can easily start an online makeup shop with a couple of clicks, thanks to available eCommerce store builders. 

7 Easy Beauty Hacks For You Without Breaking The Bank 2

Aside from getting some money back, selling used makeup online allows us to help fellow beauty junkies to save cash with pre-loved but well-loved makeups.

Take Away

Who needs trendy makeup and skincare products when this timeless beauty hacks that can be passed on from one generation to another? Keep in mind that timeless beauty should also go beyond skin deep, that glow will shine naturally when you also have a good heart. 

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