If you’ve been looking forward to a special event for a while, you’re probably thinking about getting ready for it. Whether you’ve got a ball, wedding, prom, gala, or some other special event coming up, the tips in this beauty guide are absolutely perfect for you. Take a look and see which of these beauty hacks you can use to look and feel amazing!
7 Beauty Guide Tips To Look Amazing At Big Events
Watch What You Eat
Watching what you eat, even in just the run-up to your event, this beauty guide tip can help you to feel more svelte in your chosen outfit. However, this doesn’t mean you should starve yourself (I’m not an advocate of that, at all!). It simply means that you should aim to get plenty of vegetables and healthy foods in your diet to make yourself glow from the inside out. Of course, the earlier you begin to do this, the better. Drink more water and less fizzy pop and try and avoid bloating foods such as bread and other processed carbs. A clean diet of protein and vegetables will help you look and feel great!

Get A Little Active
Getting a little more active should help you to feel and look amazing too. Even if you just begin walking a couple of times a week, or incorporating a little exercise into your everyday routine, you’ll feel and look incredible, doing exercises such as planking, squats and burpees can help tone your entire body which again will help not only your physical wellbeing but also your mental wellbeing too. I don’t know if it’s you too, but when I workout my skin glows too!
Drink Plenty Of Water
We’ve already mentioned this briefly but water will help you to flush out toxins and reduce bloating. You’ll drop water weight, and your skin will glow. Do make sure that you’re drinking at least 2 litres of water a day. Getting into healthy habits like this as early on as possible will mean that you shine from the inside out. Drinking plenty of water also helps increase concentration levels too. So there are plenty of benefits to continue this after the event.
Book Appointments In Advance
As this is a special event, you might want to treat yourself to a couple of beauty treatments. There are treatments you can do yourself, but having them done professionally will ensure a better finish. You could book a facial, have your nails done, or get a new haircut. You could even have your teeth whitened, or dental veneers. They do both permanent and nonpermanent these days, so there’s always something to suit your needs. If you’re smart, you can do lots of things yourself by following any beauty guide tutorial. Just make sure you get it right. When painting your nails, for example, get as close to the cuticle as possible without touching the skin.

Focus On Skincare
Focusing on your skincare means far better makeup application on the day, a longer-lasting finish, and a natural glow. Use products that suit your skin type, and make sure you’re consistent for the best results. I absolutely love Pixi Glow Tonic, it’s one of my most favourite beauty secrets in my regime.
Find An Outfit You Feel Your Best In
You should feel your best in the outfit that you’ve chosen to wear. It should suit the occasion, so make sure you do your research, looking on Pinterest or on fashion hubs is a great place to start. When attending a wedding, for instance, you should never wear white. Find something that flatters you that you feel you can shine in.

Beauty Guide Hack – Try Something New
As this is a special event, why not try something new? This can be risky, so maybe don’t do it without practising first. You could showcase a new hairstyle, or try a new shade of lipstick or eyeshadow. Make sure you have fun with your look. Taking yourself too seriously doesn’t look good on anyone!
Hopefully, this guide will help you to feel amazing at your special event. Have an awesome time!
Have you got any beauty tips that you swear by before a big event? We’d love you to drop them in the comments section below. And as always, if you’ve found this article useful please do share it with friends and family across social media.