6 Tips for Keeping Good Oral Hygiene While Traveling
Traveling can be both a thrilling and also hectic experience for anybody. Whether it is by plane, train, boat, or car, there can be so much going on that one may forget to stay on top of their oral hygiene practices. A mouth has many important jobs, from talking, smiling, chewing, or tasting. It is […]
4 Easy Oral Hygiene Tips for a Beautiful Smile
Everybody wants white, gorgeous teeth, but a beautiful, gleaming, and healthy smile takes some work. Just like your overall health, you need to make sure that you are practising regular healthy habits to ensure that your oral hygiene is at its best. Not brushing and flossing your teeth correctly can lead to a buildup of […]
Oil Pulling with Ohshun White. Why you REALLY should try it!
You probably have read previously my review of Minty Coco. An oil pulling treatment with a mint flavour. Now I’m giving Oshun White a swirl (see what I did there?). While I’m an avid oil puller and not only does it always make my teeth feel super clean but it really improves my oral health all […]