How to Style Your Hair with a Blow Dryer?

A guide to becoming a self-employed hairdresser | Business advice for start ups | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Styling your hair with a blow dryer is easy once you know the tricks. Read through this article to find out quick ways to style some of your favorite hairstyles. You’ll find our styling guide for bobs and pixie cuts direct and easy to follow. Let’s get started, shall we? What Do You Need to […]

How to Buy Cheap high-quality wigs

How to Style Your Hair with a Blow Dryer?

Hair wigs have become a fashionable accessory, offering a versatile solution for those looking to change their hairstyle or address hair loss. However, finding high-quality cheap wigs can be challenging, particularly for women who often seek a balance between cost and quality. While there are cheap synthetic wigs available that can look great with proper […]

8 Easy Ways to Maintain a Hairstyle

Silk with oranges | 8 Easy Ways to Maintain a Hairstyle | Beauty | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination

Nobody wants to spend hours of their valuable time styling hair so it would lose its volume in the middle of a day. Not only does it make you tired but also pretty much demotivated. It is even worse when your locks don’t cooperate with you, and you end up tying your hair back in […]

7 Simple Things To Do To Prepare Your Hair For Summer

Girl in white pants and bandeau in the sun | 4 Tips For Creating A Greener Wardrobe For Sustainability | Fashion Tips & Guide | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Excessive exposure to the sun can damage your hair. Just as you wear sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays, in the same way, you also need to protect your hair from the sun. Sun damage can lead to problems including frizzy hair, discolouration, split ends, brittle follicles and dryness. Strong and healthy […]