SEO is an acronym that stands for Search Engine Optimization. In other words, SEO is all about how you can improve your search engine rankings. There are several different factors that go into SEO including the keywords you use on your site, the optimization of your meta tags and where you link to from your site. Thankfully, these 5 simple steps will help you easily boost your SEO!

Easily Boost Your Website SEO With These 5 Simple Steps!
What is SEO?
Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to the process of increasing your online visibility by optimizing your content, headlines, images and more to be seen by search engines. SEO is the best way to get found online.

5 Simple Steps to Boost Your SEO
1. Keyword research: You want to create a list of possible keywords for your site by doing a little research and coming up with a list of words or phrases that might be related to what you offer. Then prioritize them based on how much traffic they get and how competitive they are (i.e., how many other sites are vying for those same terms).
2. Create content: Once you’ve done some keyword research, now it’s time to create content! Your goal should be to produce content that targets those keywords as much as possible while still providing useful information and staying true to your brand voice.
3. Optimize meta tags: You can optimize the meta tags of posts, pages, images, videos, etc. on your site to help improve SEO rankings by using descriptive titles and descriptions for each post. This can work on a global and local scale. If you’re living in the UK, your rankings with a London or Nottingham based SEO agency will remain the same for any potential international audience members who are using virtual privacy networks (VPN) to access new content.
4. Be consistent about linking: Linking is an important part of optimizing SEO because it tells search engines where they can find more information about topics relevant to your blog or website. When you link internally within your site, it helps search engines identify the relevancy between various pieces of content so they can better rank your site accordingly in the search engine results page (SERP).
5. Update often: The more updates you provide on your blog or website the better chance you have at ranking higher than others with less frequent updates. This is because search engines like Google look at how often you update when determining the relevancy of your site.

Keyword Research
As you’re researching keywords, don’t forget to take into account how competitive they are. You want to target some of the most popular and competitive keywords so that you can get more traffic and rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). But, at the same time, it’s wise to not over-optimize your site with these keywords or else Google will penalize you for spam.
Create Content
Now that you’ve done some research, it’s time to produce content! Your goal should be to produce content that targets those keywords as much as possible while still providing useful information and staying true to your brand voice and personality.

Conclusion: SEOs Are a Huge Help!
SEO is the complex process of improving how your website appears in search engines using techniques such as adding relevant keywords and phrases to your site, optimizing your site for search, and ensuring that your site is detected by search engine bots. It’s really important to implement a strategy for SEO on your website.