6 Easy Ways To Create An Idyllic Work From Home Space

People always ask me how on earth do you stay focused and work from home? Whilst others may be distracted by housework, by the latest download on hayu or indeed by scrolling aimlessly on Facebook, I, on the other hand, am regimented in my work. I sit down and only break for lunch. Put me in an office environment and I know that I’d freak out. I wouldn’t be able to cope and I’d be easily distracted.

If you are looking to work from home, creating an idyllic working space is essential to maximise your productivity. Here are my top five tips that have helped me to work from home and can help you too.

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Work & Homelife

Establishing a work/home life balance is crucial. In order to be successful working from home, you need to set some boundaries. Create yourself a working area for starters and make sure you always get dressed in the morning. This really increases productivity.

Redundant spaces are easy to find in your home and these are the best places to convert when it comes to using them for office/workspace. It’s really important to set yourself some boundaries in terms of work hours too. I can remember when I’d just work any hours and had no set routine. Now I switch my phone off for 4 hours a day and it’s the most productive period of my day. Some days I still work 16 hours a day, however, I do far more without distractions and when I set the time period I allow myself to work in.

Working from Home - creating a work life balance with a home office | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog
Credit: Desky

Ambience & Lighting

This is a big one. You need the right light for a multitude of different reasons. Most notably for your concentration and performance. Natural daylight is the most efficient light so try and work somewhere that has large windows and is light and airy. In fact, in a study by the World Green Building Council, it was reported that exposure to daylight increased productivity by 18% over those who weren’t.

My workspace is beside the conservatory in the dining room which is extremely light and airy, I also have a large bay window on the other side of me in the open plan living and dining area. With a huge amount of lighting and a relaxed decor, I always light a candle when I begin work. This creates an ambience that helps increase my productivity, sets my intentions and generally lets me live my best life.

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Clutter can have an adverse effect on you when working from home. I know this to be true. If my workspace is messy and cluttered I often feel harassed and stressed during my work hours and my productivity and motivation take a hit.

Declutter your workspace to help you work smarter, not harder. If you’re looking for somewhere to store your home clutter then perhaps using a self-storage site might be a solution for clearing up your home. Shurgard storage has affordable and accessible storage units and the first month’s rent is just £1. Why not calculate the size of storage you need here?

Check My Internet Speed

A reliable internet connection is non-negotiable for remote work. Slow or unreliable internet can be frustrating and impact your productivity. You can do a simple online search of ‘check my internet speed‘ to see if your speed is good for your area and invest in a better Wi-Fi setup if needed. A strong internet connection will ensure that you can seamlessly connect with colleagues and clients.

By implementing these tips, you can create an idyllic work-from-home space that enhances your productivity and overall well-being. Whether you’re balancing work and home life, optimizing lighting and ambience, or ensuring a stable internet connection, these strategies will help you build a workspace that suits your needs and style.


You always need a plan. A plan for everything. Plan your workspace properly including the layout, choosing somewhere that can accommodate your entire business. So that everything is close to hand. Professional designers work with a minimum dimension of 60”x84” when designing workspaces. I highly advise using this as a guide to planning your workspace. Ask yourself how comfortable the space is? Can you complete all of your tasks there?

If you make and sell things like on Etsy, do you need additional production space?

You also need to create somewhere that’s away from distractions. The kitchen, for example, is a hub of activity and can be a distraction if you set up work there. Choose your place carefully. Similarly, don’t work in your bedroom. An office by your bed is a huge no, no. You need to be able to clock off from work when you’re done for the day to create a dedicated workspace.
In addition, you will also need a plan to ensure that you have a fast internet connection, so that you can work online without any concerns about buffering or cutting out when on a call or in an important meeting. For this reason, finding a good internet provider like Hughesnet satellite internet is essential. 

Colour Psychology

Finally, colour psychology plays a huge part in creating an idyllic workspace in your home. Be mindful of this when taking your workspace into account. Colours should extend beyond your personal preference. Blue and green can boost productivity and energy levels. If your work is physical or tedious then orange and red are great energising colours. If you’re a creative yellow stimulates creativity, it also can cause eye strain.

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Find colours that make you feel calm and relaxed whilst simultaneously increase productivity.

Have you any other tips for creating an idyllic workspace in your home? I’d love to know below.

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