5 Ways to Finance Energy-Efficient Upgrades in a Modern Home

Maximize your energy efficiency while protecting your home. Learn how to optimize your roofing system with our expert tips. | Home Interiors | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog | 5 Ways to Finance Energy-Efficient Upgrades in a Modern Home

Owning an energy-efficient home is electrifying and admirable to many modern homeowners. However, upgrading your home to be energy efficient can sometimes cost tens of thousands, which could sometimes kill the dreams of homeowners looking to upgrade. Fortunately, you could consider various financing options to cover these costs up-front or at your convenience. Below, we […]

Reclaim Your Space with These 4 Home Updates

Reclaim Your Space with These 4 Home Updates | Home Interiors | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Your home might have been the perfect size for you when you first moved in. But as your circumstances change, you can find yourself struggling for space and make some home updates. Maybe your family has grown, you’ve picked up a hobby that requires more space, or your preferences have just changed. Whatever the reason, […]

5 Amazing Money Saving Tips For Lower Cost Smart Homes

Smart Homes: Can Average Income Earners Afford Them? | Home Interiors | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Smart homes and smart technology have revolutionized the way we live. That’s particularly true when it comes to people’s homes. Not very long ago, home automation was a futuristic concept few people thought would ever become a reality. Now, it’s essentially a mainstream concept. Many people have at least a few smart features in their […]