10 Things To Wear To Be Comfortable This Summer

Accessorize Summer Fashion Styling at the VIP Launch of intu Metrocentre's Styling Event | Fashion Blog | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Summer is loved my most of us, yet it does not excuse the extreme heat and harsh sunlight that comes with it. Summer allows a lot of freedom of choice for clothing, but some clothes are better than others, some more comfortable than others and some more fashionable than the rest. Preference plays a significant […]

Ultimate Guide to Instagram For Fashion

Fashion Trends | With London Fashion Week in full swing we look at key things to stay on top and ahead of ever changing fashion trends | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Why are fashion brands using Instagram? Well, it is a highly competitive and fast-paced world out there with a plethora of business benefits. A well-thought-out Instagram strategy will be complementing traffic generation, lead conversions, and promote a loyal base of Instagram followers. An Instagram strategy has to be more than just a trendsetter. It is […]

4 Simple Things That Influence Your Appearance

Powerful Style Business Dress | Business Fashion | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

We all want to look our best, our appearance is a huge part of our lives. When we do, we’re more confident, we’re more outgoing, and the whole world just seems that little bit brighter. How you look isn’t the most important thing in the world, it’s true, but neither is it completely unimportant. Of […]

How To Take Perfect Photos Of A Diamond Engagement Ring

How to take photos of diamond engagement rings | Photography & Business Tips | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

There’s no sparkle like that of a well-cut diamond, and many women wish to have some photos done of their diamond engagement ring or wedding ring, as these are memories to cherish forever. You could just take a few shots with your smartphone, and even with the best tech we have now for digital imaging, […]