5 Reasons You Should Promote Your Vlogs On Youtube

Why I don't promote my vlogs | It's a weird one but I haven't promoted any of my vlogs to my network. Why? Come on over and I'll tell you | Blogging & Business Tips | Marketing & SEO | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog & Coach

You know I’ve probably said this before in a previous post, however this year in 2018, it has been predicted that 90% of viewed content online is going to be in video form, vlogs included. 90%, that’s huge. So that means, really, that we as creators should be incorporating video into what we do. Thing […]

5 Key Tips on How to Prevent Business Litigation

Team Key Tips to Prevent Litigation in your Business | US Attorney | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Disclaimer: The information presented below is meant to provide you with tips on how you can prevent lawsuits from being filed against your business. It shouldn’t be misconstrued as legal advice. To know more about how you can avoid business litigation right from the get-go, you would have to consult a licensed attorney. Who can […]

4 Ways How To Finance Your Business

Looking for ideas how to finance your start up business idea? Check out these handy tips for financing a business venture | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Finding funding for your new business venture can be pretty challenging especially given the current climate. However, you shouldn’t let that put you off following your dreams and getting that startup off the ground. Especially, when there are now more ways to finance your business than there ever were in the past. There are a […]

4 Ways To Stop Procrastinating After Reading This…

Blogging Tips | How to stop procrastination and work smarter to make money from your blog | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog & Business Coaching

We all start the year with great gusto, the truth is though, how many of us actually keep up with our ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ without procrastinating. The answer is 3%. A whopping 97% of people fail. It’s amazing really that 3% of people who make resolutions (or revolutions as my small cousin likes to call […]