How Perspirex Can Help You At Festivals This Summer

Can you remember when we reviewed AA Skincare’s Roll-on Deodorant? Fast forward a year and we’re back to reviewing another deodorant, Perspirex. If you read the post then about my armpit issues, I can very much confirm that nothing has changed despite several trips to the doctors, some awful prescribed deodorant and a lot of […]
How To Keep Your Teeth Hollywood White – 5 Simple Steps

I’m white teeth obsessed if you haven’t guessed. With my oil pulling regime, recent posts have featured both Minty Coco and Ohshun White. Not content with that I’ve decided to give you the low down when it comes to teeth whitening. Trust me I’ve tried it all. Banned bleaches from the States. Hundreds spent on […]
What 3 Benefits are There To Using Cuppa Joe Coffee Body Scrub?

As a lover of natural products, I was excited to try Cuppa Joe, a coffee body scrub with exfoliating coconut that promises to improve the appearance of dry skin, cellulite, stretch marks, scarring, eczema, acne, and even psoriasis. Made from the finest Arabica beans and organic cold-pressed oils, the scrub uses caffeine to target problem […]
Oil Pulling with Ohshun White. Why you REALLY should try it!

You probably have read previously my review of Minty Coco. An oil pulling treatment with a mint flavour. Now I’m giving Oshun White a swirl (see what I did there?). While I’m an avid oil puller and not only does it always make my teeth feel super clean but it really improves my oral health all […]