5 Effective Techniques To Match Your Hair And Eye Colour

5 Beautiful Ways to Wear Flowers in Your Hair | Fashion | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Today it is possible to change your hair colour to almost any shade you can think of. However, you can’t change your eye colour unless you plan to use coloured contact lenses and that would only be a temporary measure.  That means the best approach is to find the hair colour that matches your eyes, […]

The 5 Things That Matter About Packaging When it Comes to Cosmetics

Improve Your Life and Home: Start Practicing Aromatherapy | Beauty | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

There are many considerations necessary when thinking about the packaging cosmetics require when it comes to protecting them during the transportation process and making them appealing enough to sell in their thousands. This is at all positions of the supply chain. It is important that whole sale packaging is adequate in terms of its protection […]

4 Ways Korean Sleeping Masks Can Be Incorporated into Your Beauty Routine

L’Occitane en Provence: What Makes It Such a Beloved Brand? | Beauty Tips | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

When developing a consistent skincare routine, you’ll come across Korean products that people have found to have great success. One such product is the Korean sleeping mask.  These masks work wonders to your skin throughout the night, allowing you to address any skin issues you may have efficiently. You definitely should if you have not […]

4 Reasons Why CBD Skincare & Wellbeing is Taking the World By Storm

How Do Full Spectrum CBD Products Benefit You? | Beauty | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog | CBD Hash

Using CBD in skincare is new to us. Short for cannabidiol, it is derived from the cannabis plant. Oil is extracted from the plant including the flowers and buds. This is not the psychoactive component that makes people high, so it is perfectly safe to use CBD cream, as it is a known anti-inflammatory, and […]