6 Powerful Ways To Make A Man Go Crazy For You

When you are dating a new man, it is important to put your best foot forward. It is not your responsibility to make this relationship work, but there are things that you can do to entice them if you want to. This article is going to take you through six powerful ways to make a man go crazy for you. 

6 Powerful Ways To Make A Man Go Crazy For You | Relationships | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog
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Get Some Sexy Lingerie

Sexy lingerie is a tried and tested method for creating excitement and desire. Aside from this lingerie being designed to accentuate all your most thrilling features, it also has the effect of maintaining some mystery. Keeping your lingerie on for longer helps to increase desire. As mentioned on TheHotSpot.com.au, there is nothing quite as sexy as sexy lingerie, it is even more powerful than being naked. Wearing exciting lingerie is a powerful way to make a man go crazy for you. For an even more heightened experience, you could even apply some specially mixed sex pheromones to your skin to make yourself appear that extra bit more attractive and indicate to his subconscious that you are wanting intimacy.

Be Confident

Although you might not always feel your best, try to remain confident whilst dating. It is good to be vulnerable and open up but if you are in a flirty mode, exuding confidence is incredibly sexy. You want this man to be excited by you being the best version of yourself. Being confident and showing that you are a complete person who doesn’t need a man to fulfil them, will most likely drive most men crazy. Men are a bit silly like this, but it’s worth exploiting if you want to make them desire you even more. Confidence is a really powerful way to make a man go crazy for you. 

Embrace Spontaneity

Going with your gut and embracing spontaneity is an exciting way to get a man’s attention. Seeing someone who is free and able to make sudden decisions can be quite thrilling. This is especially true of any kind of sexual spontaneity. If the moment takes you, then take them with you. These kinds of things keep the fire burning and will keep a man constantly on his toes. Embracing spontaneity is a powerful way to make a man go crazy for you. 

Express Your Opinions

You want to make sure that this man wants you for who you are and not someone you are pretending to be. Expressing your thoughts and opinions on all manner of subjects will show that you are an interesting person. Don’t be scared of disagreeing with them and encourage a healthy debate.

6 Powerful Ways To Make A Man Go Crazy For You 1
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This can be a fun way to banter and also show that you have conviction in your beliefs. All these qualities are highly desirable and would bode well for the longevity of your relationship. Expressing your opinions is likely to make a man go even crazier for you. 

Do Unique Things

The onus of winning this man over is not entirely resting on your shoulders, they should be putting the work in as well. However, if you feel like you want to show this guy a good time, make sure that you do unique and memorable things. Quirky dates are way more fun than just your standard dinner and will show them different sides of your personality.

This works both ways but can be used as an opportunity to show them a hobby that you particularly like. Finding unique date opportunities will make a man go crazy as they will want to see what you come up with next. 

Tell Him What You Want

One of the most powerful things you can do to make a man go crazy for you is just to tell him exactly what you want. If you are looking for a way to make a man mad with desire then this will do the trick. Start with a little bit of foreplay and then explain exactly what you want them to do to you. Spare no details.

This combines a few of the points above, but in particular, it reinforces your confidence and shows that you know what you want. You might find that the man asks you what you want. Take this opportunity to tell him and run with it. This is guaranteed to make a man go absolutely crazy for you and you might just have the night of your life. 

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The patriarchy is unfortunately still deeply embedded in society. It is not your job to excite a man for his benefit but in the interest of retaining your own power, it can be fun to know how to make them go crazy for you. Take ownership of your wants and desires and you’ll be sure to find a powerful way to make a man go crazy for you.