Whether you bought them on a whim or got them as a gift, sometimes loving a pair of sneakers doesn’t translate into knowing how to style them. Sneakers may have become the go-to footwear of our era, something people wear to the gym or a hike as well as with a suit or to a red carpet event.

But the jaw-dropping versatility of sneakers doesn’t avoid the fact that a pair of sneakers just isn’t worth much without a set of outfits to pair them with.
So before you shamefully hide them in your closet or track down a receipt to return them, check out our tips for styling any pair of sneakers. Soon, you’ll be ready to build outstanding outfits with confidence.
8 Amazing Styling Ideas For Wearing Trainers Like A Boss
What sneakers are in fashion this season?
Before you get a grasp on how to style your shoes, it’s helpful to get your head around what’s in this season. Seeing what style trends are out there will make it easier to know how to style your own sneakers, whatever type they may be.
Chunky sneakers
There’s no getting around the fact that the chunky trainers trend is a “love or hate” kind of thing. At the same time, this trend is too ubiquitous to ignore.
In just a few years, chunky sneakers have gone from something Kanye West debuted in 2017 to what could politely be called “mixed reviews” to a mainstream trend you see just about everywhere.

Honestly, the bad rap they still get from some quarters is mostly from people not knowing what to do with their bold look. Styled properly, they’re a fun way to create interesting balance and contrast to all kinds of outfits (but more on that later).
Track shoes
They may often be chunky, but track shoes are a category of their own and worth paying attention to. The idea behind these shoes is to lift you out of the muck and grime of the streets so you can look great even when the weather isn’t cooperating.

This is a great way to hit that sweet spot between form and function as well as to find a shoe you can look great in 365 days a year. — To find out more about the features and details of a particular make or model, you can visit https://shoeadviser.com.
How to style your sneakers
There’s no single set of rules for styling sneakers in any situation, but there are core principles you should follow for style success. We’re going to run through 6 examples of killer looks and walk you through how to approach styling them with your sneakers. By the end, you’ll be ready for any style situation.
Any size of dress
Sneakers can work well with anything from a super short dress to something that reaches your ankles. The key is to get the lines and proportions right. For example, a short to medium-length dress works great with chunkier sneakers because they contrast with the long thin lines created by your legs.

On the other hand, if you’re going for a longer dress, it’s best to stick to more standard sneaker shapes.
Then you need to pay attention to color. White sneakers are your best bet and pair well with just about any dress. Otherwise, you can try to match your sneakers or go for contrast.
Sometimes, the best balance is to match one colour in the sneakers to the outfit to get the best of both worlds. However, you do it though, pairing a dress with sneakers is an easy way to throw together a fun summery look.
Cuffed jeans
Cuffed jeans have been a style staple for decades for good reason. Bringing a little cuff to your jeans gives you more control over how they work with your sneakers.
This can let you show some ankle (a better contrast move with chunky sneakers), or just make sure your jeans hit the tops of your sneakers precisely where you want them to.

When it comes to color and style, jeans are basic enough that you can pair them well with just about any kind of sneaker. You can go with something more modern alongside a dark pair or go retro with a classic sneaker style and some lighter acid washed jeans. The versatility of this classic look means it’s always a good place to experiment a bit.
Suits with sneakers have been around for a while now, but the fun contrast of the serious with the fun hasn’t gotten old. Here, you need to really lean into that contrast. Avoid sneakers that match the colour of your suit too closely because making a bold style choice like this and then trying to pretend like you aren’t just looking odd.

Instead, your best bet is to go with a classic sneaker or something chunky. One evokes cool retro vibes while the latter is very fashion forward. Whichever direction you go, just be sure to be fearless and embrace the look
Leather pants
Black leather pants and fresh white sneakers are a match made in heaven for two key reasons. The first is obviously that fantastic color contrast. The deep black of the pants and the blinding white of a clean sneaker is bold without being overwhelming. But the shape is also key here. Tight leather pants can contrast brilliantly with a larger sneaker.
So overall, is another case where your best bet is to go with something classic or something modern and chunky. Both looks are established enough for you to rely on them for the long-run.
Biker shorts
This is one of the bolder styling ideas on this list, but when you pull it off well it can make quite an impression. Because biker shorts are classic activewear, they pair well with more modern sneakers which look like they’re built for performance.
That said, this is also another area where classics work well. Either way, this is your chance to show off space-age materials and look like you’re ready to exercise or just show off a bit.
Creative combinations
Once you’ve got the basics of colour and shape down, you can really start to get creative. Try a black slip dress with some silver and green high tops where the bits of black in the shoe tie in with the dress and the fun style balances with the more serious dress.
Use all-white to balance out a stronger statement outfit. As long as you’re sticking to the basic principles we’ve laid out, you’ll be golden.