3 Simple Reasons Why You Should Travel With Small Group Tours

You know how it can be annoying when you’re travelling in a big group (that’s why we love small group tours), and you have to wait for the other tourists who keep wandering off?  Or when many people keep interrupting the tour guide, and all you want is to listen to more information about your travel destinations. But you also feel lonely when travelling solo. A small group tour might be the best fit for you. Here are a few reasons to go for a smaller group tour.

3 Simple Reasons Why You Should Travel With Small Group Tours

Meet Other Travelers

It is always exciting when you meet other travelers. You will get to share stories with them about what you have done lately with your work. There is no doubt you are going to meet people from other countries. They will share their plans with you and you will definitely pick up some tips from them. Of course, you can also share some tips of your own as there is nothing like helping out fellow tourists.

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Keep in mind that you can’t expect everyone to be nice to you. Some people are mean, while some are pretty nice, so just keep an open mind. If they are nice to you, then be nice to them. If not, proceed to talk to the next tourist.

Intimate Small Group Tours Experience

The difference of a small group tour compared to a big group tour is certainly a lot. You will feel encouraged to talk to everyone else in the tour group since there are so few of you. You may even make friends with some of them, and then decide to do something else after the tour. 

There is nothing like making new friends in a place you are not that familiar with. It feels great to explore a lot of stuff with fellow tourists so you can make the most of your time.

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Less Waiting

When traveling with a large group, it is very likely that some of the participants will be late. When that happens, you will have no choice but to wait for them. Afterall, they paid for the tour as well. However, the longer you have to spend waiting for latecomers, the less time you have to spend actually touring the destinations you wanted to visit. 

In addition, you won’t know if the person is late, or just decided to skip altogether. In that case, you could be waiting for nothing. The longer the missing tourist takes, the more tension will mount in the existing group. Some tourists might bug the tour guide into leaving the missing tourist behind. Thankfully, some tour groups have rules pertaining to tardiness and the length of time spent waiting. But, it’s better to be safe than sorry and book a tour group with fewer participants and fewer chances of people being late, so you have the maximum time to tour. 

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You can contact a travel agency when you arrive in your destination that specializes in small group tours since sometimes the price is much cheaper for the last- minutes bookings as they might need to gather enough people to start their tour. For example, if you arrive in Singapore today, you can book a small group tour from Singapore for the next day. However, there is a risk that they might run out of a spot for you and you might not end up going anywhere at all. 

Are you looking to book a small group tour? Where are you planning on visiting? We’d love to know in the comments section below. As always if you’ve found this article of any value we’d love for you to share it with friends and family, across social media and beyond!

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