How To Take Perfect Photos Of A Diamond Engagement Ring

There’s no sparkle like that of a well-cut diamond, and many women wish to have some photos done of their diamond engagement ring or wedding ring, as these are memories to cherish forever. You could just take a few shots with your smartphone, and even with the best tech we have now for digital imaging, you could do much better. Of course, you must know your phone settings, and if your smartphone is old, then use a digital SLR camera, which would require a special close-up lens.

We’re going to show you 4 special tips for taking the most incredible shots of the one piece of jewellery a woman yearns her whole life for. Of course, these tips are just to help you, however, great photography comes with practice so make sure that if you’re actually going to specialise in this area that you practice with jewellery first.

How to take photos of diamond engagement rings | Photography & Business Tips | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

How To Take Perfect Photos Of A Diamond Engagement Ring

The Background

This is a vital component of the images, and velvet would be ideal, black or dark blue are ideal colours, so make sure you acquire at least 1 square metre of the fabric. You could drape the velvet over a small box for the background, something that will add depth and contrast to the images. Trial and error is the way to go with this. 

Cleaning The Diamond Engagement Ring

You want the items to look their very best for the photoshoot and make sure you follow expert instructions when cleaning vintage antique engagement rings, to prevent any damage. A soft-bristle toothbrush and warm, soapy water does the trick. Spend some time gently working the toothbrush into every nook and cranny. Don’t forget to dry and polish the piece prior to taking the images, to leave the item looking shiny and clean.

How to take photos of diamond engagement rings | Photography & Business Tips | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog


Experiment with lighting and explore fully the options on your phone camera, which should have settings for things like portrait, landscape, and many other options, plus select the highest resolution possible. Ask any jeweller about diamonds or lab grown diamond engagement rings and light and they will gladly confirm that natural light is best for a diamond if you want maximum sparkle, so place your platform near a window if it is a sunny day and experiment. It costs nothing to take digital images.

How to take photos of diamond engagement rings | Photography & Business Tips | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

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Trial & Error

You have a great smartphone or DSLR camera, the perfect base covering and whatever light you choose, and these are the basics, so don’t stop taking shots until you are certain it couldn’t be any better. The professional photographer always takes as many shots as he can, as this gives you more of a selection from which to choose the final product, and move the base, rearrange the jeweller, play around with backgrounds and camera settings and keep snapping away. You can always delete the many unwanted images, so nothing lost by taking hundreds of images.

How to take photos of diamond engagement rings | Photography & Business Tips | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

If you take all of the above on board, the chances are you will end up with at least a few dozen spectacular images that you can save on a memory stick and treasure forever. You can, of course, post the images on all your social media pages and send them to friends and family, and even though you will always have the ring, it is nice to have digital memories.

Are you a professional photographer or seller of the illusive diamond engagement ring and have other tips that we’ve not covered to help others photograph their beautiful stones properly then we’d love to hear them in the comments section below. As always, if you’ve found this article of any value then we’d love for you to share it with friends and family across social media and beyond.

How to take photos of diamond engagement rings | Photography & Business Tips | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

One Response

  1. Great article. There aren’t numerous motivations to shoot in manual focus on a wedding day or at an engagement shoot, yet this is one. At the point when you’re shooting truly near an item and attempting to concentrate on something that is shimmering and doesn’t have a lot of differentiation, your camera will make some hard memories getting the concentrate perfectly.