I’m a huge advocate of sacking the 9 to 5 and your boss, to change your careers, and working for yourself. Truth is, I’ve always been an entrepreneur and I’ve always known from being really young that I was going to always run my own businesses. You know when kids want to be vets, astronauts, footballers, and ballet dancers? I always knew even at that age I wasn’t going to work 9-5 lining somebody else’s pockets.
Vorwerk recently compiled a study and found that only 13% of workers in the UK actually enjoy their job. Considering you spend the majority of your week working that is a horrendously low percentage. Actually, it’s a horrifying statistic. Surely you want to have a job that’s not only fulfilling, it’s also enjoyable and you wake up in the morning excited for the day ahead.
Even more surprising is that 9% of workers go as far as stating they hate their jobs in the study compiled by the German appliance maker and if this is you perhaps you should start to change your career.

3 Easy Ways to How to Change Your Career

I’m lucky, I know that. It’s 23:44 as I write this, some days I have 16-18 hour work days. Some days I work 1 or 2 hours. I set my schedule, I call the shots. I’m my own boss. I wake up every day grateful, excited and inspired. I’m passionate about what I do and live to work, instead of the 87% of people who work to live.
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Change your career – launch your own business
There’s a massive shift happening right now that work isn’t a place you go and is more of an activity you do. Take my Mum, for example, she’s climbed the ladder in a corporate role for over 30 years within the same organisation. She launched her own business this week, an online magazine for the over 50s.
This was to prepare her for a new career path when she takes early retirement in 15 months time. She’s realised that when the time comes when she can leave her current role to begin a career where she says #NoMore9to5 and she can set her own schedule. A schedule where she works around what she wants to do, a schedule where she sets the pace.
There are so many options for moving into an industry you love such as Personal Trainer qualifications, yoga instructor certification san diego, travel and tourism opportunities in the likes of Bali when you become a certified life coach and a whole host of other different business choices that can fit in with your passions.
Knowing my passion for sacking the 9 to 5 the team at Vorwerk have asked me to take part in their #NoMore9to5 campaign. Which has been designed to raise awareness of how people in the UK really feel about their career.
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The question is how do you change your career?
With a staggering 45% of workers wanting to change careers, we need to understand why the shift isn’t happening? Is it because of security? Not enough information or help available? Is it because of fear of what others will think? Perhaps cost and time involved in retraining? There’s a multitude of different reasons as to why people haven’t yet changed careers.
Stats in the Vorwerk study show that the obstacles people face are stated below
Consider it too risky
Don’t know where to start
Don’t know what else to do
The ‘career crisis’ appears to peak in the run-up to turning 30. Most noteworthy being aged 29-and-four-fifths the age most people want to change career. East Anglia residents are most unhappy with their career choices (49%), followed swiftly behind us Geordies and North East residents (48%). The third most unhappy place for career paths is the North West with 46% of people wanting to change career.

Switching is simple and there’s no time like the present. If you know which career path you wish to go down, find the best route to beginning whether it is sidelining your current career until you can make the switch or retraining. There are grants available for this and often large organisations offer a change of career scheme. This is where they help you on the path to your dream path. What about a career with Vorwerk? They give you the opportunity to become your own boss! You can find out more here.

Why do people want to change careers?
Further to the study, findings have shown these are the reasons people wish to make a career change.
Top five motivations to
Better work life balance
Less pressure
Better career progression
Flexible hours
Remember flying is easy just follow your dreams
You’ve heard my thoughts and opinions about the dreaded 9-5, now it’s over to you! I’d love to know your thoughts, drop a comment below telling me if you enjoy your career path and why?
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