Growing Old Gracefully: 4 Ways to Looking After Your Skin

self-care routine | 7 Beauty Guide Tips To Help Prepare For A Big Event - Wedding, Prom, Birthday, Gala | Beauty Blog | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Getting old is inevitable, although sometimes it does seem to sneak up on people; one day, they are full of youthful exuberance, and the next, they don’t recognise themselves. Your skin tells the story of your life. Every blemish, scar, and wrinkle tells a tale. However, it can also have a significant effect on how […]

3 Easy Ways to Contour for Your Face Shape: Tips and Tricks

3 Easy Ways to Contour for Your Face Shape: Tips and Tricks | Beauty | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Contouring has become one of the most popular makeup techniques among beauty enthusiasts. However, mastering this technique can be quite challenging, especially when determining the right contouring shade and technique for your face shape. Whether you have a round, oval, heart, or square face, understanding your face shape and using the correct shading can make […]

7 Important Things You Need to Know About Cosmetic Breast Surgery

What You Need to Know About Cosmetic Breast Surgery | Beauty | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Breast Surgery People have opted for breast surgery for many reasons, including surgery for mastectomies for cancer and other illnesses. There are women who do it for cosmetic reasons and for health reasons. Some women want to increase the size of their breasts, while others want to reduce the size.  You want to make sure […]

5 Benefits of Using Skin Whitening Cream For a Fair Person

5 Benefits of Using Skin Whitening Cream For a Fair Person | Beauty | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog | Healthy Skin | Wrinkles

The definition of skin whitening creams must get understood well before we proceed. Skin whitening creams are essentially skincare products that provide your skin with better sun protection and eventually make it brighter. Contrary to popular belief, skin whitening creams don’t truly lighten your skin; instead, they only serve to brighten it, avoiding tanning and […]