5 Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Cool This Summer 

The heat is sweltering, and it’s driving you crazy. You don’t want to sweat through your shirts for three straight months until fall gives you some relief. What can you do to stay cool this summer?

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Use Your AC Unit

One of the simplest ways to stay cool during the hottest times of the year is to use your AC unit. Your AC unit should filter cooler air into your home and make the space feel a lot more comfortable. To get the most out of your AC unit, you should do the following:

  • Keep your interior doors open so the cool air can circulate.
  • Move your furniture and rugs away from vents. This can block the air conditioning from blowing through a room.
  • Clean your AC unit. The cleaner the appliance, the more effective it will be. Doing this can also prevent the appliance from breaking down earlier than it should.
  • Replace HVAC filters. A clear filter will help the unit run efficiently. If you have a window AC unit, you can clean the appliance’s built-in filter. 

It can actually be dangerous to live without any AC during a heat wave. So, if your AC unit is malfunctioning, you should call for a professional AC repair service right away! 

If your budget doesn’t have room for AC repairs right now, you should still go through with them. You could put the expense on your credit card and tackle the balance later on. Or you could apply for an online loan as a solution. If you’ve never used an online loan before, you should learn more about them before you apply. This information could help you understand important aspects like the application process and the gradual repayment plan.

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Block Out the Sunshine

The sunshine is going to heat up your house during the day. You can keep your home cooler by blocking out that light. Do this by hanging shades or blackout curtains in front of your windows. And if you’d like to keep your shades or curtains open, you should apply an insulated window film to the glass. 

Seal Air Leaks

It’s harder to keep your home cool when you have air leaks. That hot, humid outdoor air can push its way indoors and disrupt your refreshing air conditioning. You can fix this problem by sealing those pesky air leaks around your windows and doors. 

How? Fill air leaks around the window and door frames with caulking. Add weatherstripping between the windows and doors. Put door draft stoppers beneath your entrance doors. Altogether, these changes should keep hot air from creeping indoors. 

Cook Outdoors

Turning on your oven is going to turn your kitchen into a sauna during the summer. And that heat can spread throughout the house, making you wish you decided to order takeout for dinner. Instead of wasting your money on takeout, focus on cooking outdoors as much as you can to keep your indoors nice and cool. Use a barbeque, smoker or grill to prepare your meals. 


Dry Laundry Outside

Doing your laundry will also make your house hot and humid — especially running the dryer. You can keep the interior cool by setting up a clothesline outside and drying your clothes on it. Your clothes will dry quickly in the sunshine, and your laundry room won’t raise the indoor temperature. It’s a win-win.

You don’t have to dread the summer heat. Following these steps will keep you nice and cool. 

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