3 Easy Ways To Date During The Pandemic

If you have found yourself single this year, then perhaps dating has become a little more difficult for you due to the current pandemic restrictions and the majority of typical first date destinations being closed. We have asked a couple of singletons about their best tips for how to date during the current pandemic and pulled some of the super important details for your dating quest to find the perfect partner..

Online is the new out out

You heard it here first, and you probably already know this, because I mean the furthest we have all been this year is the fridge. But online dating is the new going out. With multiple dating sites there truly is something for everybody. Also, not getting enough matches isn’t a problem either. You can use online sources to enhance your communications skills and increase your chances of finding a partner.

3 Ways To Date During The Pandemic | Relationships | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

If you’re in Cornwall dating for example there’s a Cornwall only dating site so you don’t have to worry about location. If you’re looking for real specifics in your next potential partner then why not whittle the search down online. After all it’s not as if you can meet at a bar and stumble to the taxi queue together with a kebab now is it?

Plus with online dating, you can actually really hone in on multiple search criteria meaning your perfect date is even closer than you think. Do however keep in mind that people’s personality traits are far more important than their looks and their age!

Do remember to be safe online and once you’ve met somebody somebody online if you are in an area where you are able to meet up, then do make sure that you do this safely.

Meet outdoors

Due to the current pandemic restrictions meeting in public indoor spaces aren’t an option right now and we absolutely do not condone going to somebodys house or allowing somebody to your house the first time you meet them…erm hello have you ever seen the programme Catfish? 

If you are meeting somebody for the first time then why not meet them at the park or beach, do let somebody know where you’re going and keep your distance. This way you can meet face-to-face and you can really see if there is a spark with the person and a great indicator to see whether you wish to continue dating them or not. 

3 Ways To Date During The Pandemic | Relationships | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Because let’s face it, if you meet somebody online and their banter doesn’t transpire into real life scenarios then they are not being true to themselves are they? You want to find somebody who is the same on and offline and makes you feel great about yourself. 

Dating during a pandemic

If you’ve met somebody and you are just beginning to date each other then why not try thinking of virtual dates you can do things like order your favourite takeaway to each other’s house. Cook along together. Take part in a pub quiz with or against each other. Watch a live comedy show. A virtual murder mystery. There are so many novel things in which you are able to organise together to help grow your relationship for when it is safe to go back to the cinema, pubs and bars, mini-golf and more on a traditional date night… 

Although the current situation we face is unconventional rest assured that there are plenty ways to really learn to enjoy each other’s company even if you are currently not able to spend physical time together.

3 Ways To Date During The Pandemic | Relationships | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Have you been dating online during the pandemic? We would love to hear your tips in the comment section below and as always if you have found this article of any value then we would love for you to share with your family and friends across social media and beyond.

3 Ways To Date During The Pandemic | Relationships | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

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