8 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A FAQ Page (& How To Build One Fast)

Irrespective of your business niche, having a FAQs page on your website is paramount and should be crafted with care. If you don’t have an FAQ page or section and you’re looking to understand what should you include on your business FAQs page, then we’re going to show you step by step.

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What is a FAQ page?

A FAQs page is for the most frequently asked questions your potential customers may have before they commit to purchasing your product and/or service. It’s also a place for current customers to find further details about your service. What it isn’t is a dumping ground for pointless information. All websites should have a strong and up to date FAQ page.

Why you need one?

There are many reasons as to why your business requires a FAQ page these are some of them;

  • Saves time – by answering the most popular questions that your customers have you’ll save individual customers time when they’re looking to go through the customer journey.
  • Builds relationships with customers – a FAQ page also helps to build relationships with customers as you show your business as a trustworthy and caring entity, dedicated to making the customer journey as short as possible and settling any queries or worries that they may have.
  • Identifies you as an expert – adding a FAQ page also identifies you as an expert in terms of providing support as well as showing that you understand your customer’s requirements and needs whilst helping to educate them through your businesses’ processes
  • Improves site navigation – adding a FAQ page can positively improve site navigation as you can link specific pages on the FAQ page to send customers to the correct place they desire to be taken to. For example, you can link to your contact page and details if you still haven’t answered the questions your customer may have. 
  • SEO – adding a FAQ is a good way to improve your site’s SEO as answering specific questions that people searching for your site may have will help you rank higher across search engines.
  • Turn negatives into positives – you can rectify any issues such as a poor customer experience into a positive one in your FAQ section. For example ‘what if I’m not satisfied with my order?’ flip this into a positive and show your customers the excellent customer service in which you provide
  • Highlight key information – you can highlight any elements in which you think are important such as delivery time guidelines, terms of your subscription, what your customers should know before committing to purchase.
  • Analyse your site – most importantly a FAQ page helps you to analyse any missing parts of your site, it helps iron out any issues you may have and provides you with greater clarity of how easy to navigate, use and complete desired goals. 
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8 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A FAQ Page (& How To Build One Fast)

Things to remember about FAQs

There are things that you should keep in mind about your FAQs section or page these include;

  • Use them as little as possible – that’s right, have all of the information you think your customers will need to be displayed on the pages your customers will land on, try and keep the customer journey as simple as possible and don’t leave them wondering or guessing and having to keep them going back tot he FAQ section.
  • Keep them organised – use a methodical system to create your FAQs page and go through the customer journey. Use logic and have the page in almost chronological order.
  • Make sure they are actually FAQs – don’t just add lots of random questions. Keep it under 10 questions in length and only add genuine questions that you think your customers will have.
  • Speak in customers language – don’t use complex wording, keep your questions and answers simple and in the terminology, your customers would use and understand – this will also help with SEO searches. If you’re struggling for this section use the following site AnswerThePublic to search the most popular questions in your niche.
  • Think and share visually – if you can add a step by step video or images to help answer your customer’s FAQs then do so. This will help a lot of your customers to resolve their queries without the need to contact you further. This is a great way to provide better customer service.
  • Plan to scan – create a FAQ section that is easy to scan for the answer. Write short concise sentences and highlight (bold or italic) important points so that customers can find the answers they’re looking for quickly.
  • Allow search – turn on search queries so that your customers can use the search bar on your website to find the answer if they can’t find it immediately on the page they’re searching for. Again use keywords for the searches they will use. Use Google Analytics to look at the search terms used on your website. 
  • Customer focus – keep your customer at the forefront of creating the FAQ page. It is designed to answer any of their queries that they may have so you can push their customer journey closer to the end goal (the sale/booking/opt-in) in the shortest time possible without the requirement of additional contact.
  • Create a landing page – create a dedicated FAQ page with the URL /faq so that people searching land straight on your FAQ page and don’t have to search hard to find this.

The most important thing about an FAQ page is to make sure that it’s easy to find on your website. Ensure you have it linked in both the top menu bar and in your footer on every page.

Not sure what to include? No problem, simply add your Name and Email to the form below and we’ll send you our FAQ Page template straight to your inbox. If you’re a member of our Academy, you’ll find the template in The Vault.

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