Finding the perfect work bags can be quite a challenge. You will need something that is professional looking and has room for all of the items you need for work. A lot of times you can find a bag that fits one of these descriptions but not the other. Today we will share 9 cool work bags that will blow you away with their functionality and professional looks.
Promotional Tri-Color Tote Work Bags
One safe way to ensure that your bag is professional is to slap your company’s logo on the front. This tote bag specifically is nice because it has pockets around the exterior of the bag and super durable handles so that you can load it up with all of your workday essentials.

9 Cool Work Bags That Will Blow You Away
Jute Tote with Front Pocket
If you love the idea of having a logo on your work bag but need something smaller, this Jute Tote Bag is totally on-trend. You can have your company’s logo printed on the front and the bag features a pocket on the front so you can quickly slip in your phone or keys on your way out the door.
YALUXE Women’s Oxford Nylon Large Capacity Work Tote Shoulder Bag
If you are looking for a basic work bag with no extra frills, this is a great one. This bag is made out of durable materials so it will last you a long time. The leather handles do a great job contrasting the black bag. You will have room for a laptop along with everything else you need in this basic tote bag.

ibagbar Water Resistant Messenger Bag Satchel Shoulder Crossbody Sling Working Bag Bookbag Briefcase
Some people just prefer satchels to basic tote bags. The satchel or briefcase or trendy crossbody bags is easy to sling over your body especially if you have a long commute. You can easily hold the bag in front of you so that you know all of your personal belongings are safe and sound. This bag specifically can hold your laptop, cell phone, and/or iPad so you are ready for a successful day at the office.

YALUXE Women’s Vintage Style Soft Leather Work Tote Large Shoulder Bag
If vintage is your style, this is the perfect tote bag for you. You can easily transition this bag from day to night if you are looking for a two-for-the-price-of-one deal. The leather will support even the heaviest items that you need to transport to and from work.
17.3 Inch Convertible Laptop Backpack – WIWU Multi-Functional Travel Rucksack Water Resistant Knapsack
Once again, if traditional tote bags are not for you, this bag is a great option. It can be used as a backpack, crossbody, or simple briefcase and has room for even the largest laptops on the inside.
Canvas Tote Bag
This canvas bag is great if you are looking for a grey bag, this is a great option. It would be perfect to carry any time of the year and has room for all of your daily essentials.
ZMSnow Laptop Bag for Women, Classic Contrast Color Women Work Tote Bag
If you are looking for a bag with a pop of colour, this is a great one. It has pockets for all of your items that you take to and from work every day.
Customized Non-Woven Promotional Tote Bag
If all else fails, basic custom tote bags are great to haul your materials every day and back every day. Bonus points if it has your company logo! You can find great promotional materials online, these personalised and printed designs are incredible for branding your business.