3 Ways How To Make DIY A More Pleasurable Pastime

DIY is easily one of the most useful pastimes, or assorted skillsets, you could spend your time developing or getting involved with. Just think about it; having some DIY skills not only saves you money down the line. It also makes you more self-reliant. Able to help others, and that bit more quirky and interesting.

The only problem is that you might find DIY to be a pretty boring way of spending your time. Consequently, even with the best screws and fixings at hand, you may struggle to motivate yourself to finally fix that leaky pipe instead of just calling up the plumber.

To help you to properly discover and enjoy the benefits of DIY first-hand, here are some things you can do to make the whole experience way more pleasurable and streamlined.

Listen to audiobooks and music while you work

One of the cool things about DIY, is that it’s often the kind of thing you can do while in a bit of a trance. Sure, sometimes you’ll need to dedicate your full attention to reading a guide or manual. Alternatively thinking about how best to tackle a problem. Once you’re caught up in the routine of the work, your mind is mostly free to wander a little bit.

This makes DIY a great opportunity to benefit from listening to audiobooks and music. Having an epic drama unfold, or learning more about the life and times of a famous figure. Why not deepen your knowledge of astronomy? Or even just enjoying that new album you’ve been meaning to listen to. All of these things can make the process of DIY not only bearable. They make doing DIY actively enjoyable. 

Or even just enjoying that new album you’ve been meaning to listen to. All of these things can make the process of DIY not only bearable. The make doing DIY actively enjoyable.

Instead of going through the motions with your mind half-switched off, you can instead have an interesting and productive few hours. All at once.

How to make doing DIY and home improvement more exciting and pleasurable | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

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Grant yourself certain rewards for completing your work

People typically don’t cope exceptionally well with forcing themselves to engage in tasks they don’t enjoy. Unless of course, they have some reward to look forward to once the work is done.

Setting yourself up some kind of positive and alluring reward to be enjoyed once the DIY job is done is a great way of building some positive anticipation into the entire process. Again, it makes it much more enjoyable at the same time.

These rewards can range from going out to meet up with friends once done, to enjoying your favourite dessert.

How to make doing DIY and home improvement more exciting and pleasurable | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Do proper research beforehand, so you don’t feel completely lost

When DIY becomes exceptionally mind-numbingly frustrating it’s often because of those moments when we just don’t know what to do. Where we can’t really figure out the right approach to dealing with the problem or task.

Doing adequate research beforehand can help to reduce these moments of intense frustration during the process, whether that means setting up the right workstation outdoors, or reading the right guidebooks. We’re sure that however you DIY with our tips you’ll get on just fine.

How to make doing DIY and home improvement more exciting and pleasurable | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog


In conclusion, transforming DIY into a more enjoyable and fulfilling hobby is entirely achievable with a few strategic adjustments to your routine. By integrating audiobooks and music into your work sessions, you not only enhance the ambiance but also make the time pass more enjoyably, enriching your mind or uplifting your spirits as you tackle your projects.

Setting up a system of rewards for completing tasks not only serves as a motivating factor but also makes the process feel more like a game, where each accomplishment brings a sense of achievement and pleasure.

Furthermore, investing time in research before diving into a project can significantly reduce feelings of frustration and helplessness, making the DIY process smoother and more satisfying. These simple yet effective strategies can greatly enhance the pleasure of engaging in DIY activities, turning them into a pastime you look forward to rather than a chore. By making these adjustments, you’re not just improving your skills but also enriching your overall experience, making DIY a rewarding part of your life.

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