Ever since I can remember my Grandma has had the most beautiful garden. She lives in the Lake District and she has a sprawling space of perfectly pruned, planted, and potted florals, often nurtured with Miracle-Gro.Myself, on the other hand, I really haven’t ever had much of an interest.
As I’m getting older and at the point where I’m really passionate about home interiors and looking to get onto the property ladder I noticed a lot of my friends also struggle with what to do in their gardens and outdoor spaces.
Scotts Miracle-Gro has come up with a solution for this though, Growing Up Parties. So I guess it’s officially time for me to grow up?
The idea behind their parties is to invite friends and family round to help make light work of the gardening, in exchange for Beers & BBQs of course! Sending us the Black Magic Potting Soil and Black Magic Elixir All Purpose Concentrated Plan Food for maximum yield. Alongside Miracle-Gro Flower Magic. I wonder if I can cook and everybody else can do the messy work?

Which Miracle-Gro Weed Killer Is Best For My Garden?
Off the invites went and on a brilliantly hot Saturday in August I hosted my first Growing Up Party. As the beer and Pimms were flowing fast, my lawn was getting a great feed as some of the girls were screaming hysterically as they poured the Black Magic Potting Soil into the gorgeous planters. This should is perfect for time-poor millennials like me who haven’t got countless hours to titivate their gardens. Fast results with less effort are enough for me to be sold.

Once the plants had been planted, the Black Magic Black Elixir All Purpose Concentrated Plant Food was added to feed the plants in their new home, this bad boy feeds through the roots and leaves which is great considering I didn’t pay much attention in Biology in School!

Probably my most favourite item included in this Growing Up Party was the Miracle-Grow Gro-ables. These seed pots include everything you need to grow your own food. Pop them into some soil, add water and watch them grow.
We all laughed and joked as the drink flowed and I stuck to my role of being chief griller whilst everybody else got their hands dirty. It was great fun and I did learn a few tips which I joked I was going to write a book called ‘Gardening for Millennials’
Weed often, Miracle-Grow is the solution
Keep onto of weeds, if you don’t they become little suckers to remove. Use Weedol Pathclear as it’s a great timesaver as it just kills off all weeds and it can be used on paths, patios, lawns and flower beds.

Don’t own? Rent?
If you rent and don’t want to spend money on your Landlord’s property, yet you want to create an Oasis for your space, buy pots and planters and when you move you can take them with you.
You can get free gardening advice
There’s lots of free advice online how to create a tranquil and relaxing garden or outdoor area regardless of where you live.
Growing from seed is cheaper
It’s nice to buy plants that are all ready to go, yet it’s cheaper to just buy the seeds and grow the plants yourself. There’s also that sense of great achievement from growing your own plants too!
Compost saves time.
Good compost saves time and energy – this explains why my grandma has a stinky butt in her garden which she constantly has my Granda making compost in. Not got any time like I don’t to make your own? Black Magic Potting Soil is the way to go!
How do you keep your garden looking gorgeous? Would you host a Growing Up Party too? I’d love to know more drop a comment below
Disclaimer: These items were provided complimentary, all views are our own. Read more about disclosure here.