What is a recommendation list?
I’m an avid fan of Verbal Gold Blog and Ady published a full post here about what a recommendation list is and why you need one, and how it can in fact help you earn more as well as your friends in the industry.
If you’re short on time in summary, a recommendation list is the email address, Instagram handle and name of around 10-15 fellow bloggers and influencers that you have permission from to share the details of to other PR companies, brands and agencies after you’ve worked with them or if a specific project isn’t right for you however may fit with one of those on your recommendation list.
It doesn’t need to be complex, just their contact details that you pass on for work. It is essential to understand though that it’s your name and reputation behind these recommendations so only put forward people you know will work well to deadlines, produce great quality content and that you would be happy to have your name attached to!
Why I should have one?
You too should have one, firstly, it’s always good to pay it forward. Secondly, more often than not recommendations are reciprocal. If you’re helping those on your recommendation list to secure more paid work then they will more than likely send their opportunities your way too. It’s a win-win situation either way. It’s also a great way to build a more professional relationship with PRs, brands and agencies.
More money you say?
Ady from Verbal Gold Blog gives a great example of how being on and having a recommendation list could also equal more money from more opportunities. If you’re on 10 people’s recommendation list, they pass on between 3-10 opportunities a month thats an additional 30-100 brands you’re in touch with per month and even if you only accept 10% of those it could be the difference between being able to go full-time (if you aren’t already) or even allowing you to live a more comfortable lifestyle.

Get on my recommendation list
If you want to get on my recommendation list it’s easy, simply fill the form to register you interest. If I don’t already know you, I’ll be sure to super stalk your socials and your blog. Then and only then if I think I’d be happy to put my name behind you I’ll add you to the list.
If you feel like you want to add me to your recommendation list, firstly I’m absolutely honoured and grateful. Secondly I’d love you to add me to your list just give me the heads up so we can mutually try and benefit because I’m all about everybody winning! Here are my details for ease if you’re adding me to any lists.