3 Reasons Women And IGaming Are Disrupting Gaming

Throughout the years the gaming industry has developed vastly, creating new platforms and ways for users to play and enjoy. We’re now seeing casino gaming and some of top block chain games become more popular each day. Many of these activities throughout the centuries have largely been a male-dominated field. Sure, legendary female players like Lottie Deno […]
6 Handy Gift Ideas Any Dedicated Gamer Will Definitely Love

If you are not into games but you have a gamer friend, you’ve probably felt at loss a million times when you think about what gift to get them. Some of us know almost nothing about gaming except that there are controllers. Or you think they use the keyboard for games on the computer fortunately […]
6 Reasons Why Women Are Getting Into Online Poker

When discussing industries and their growth – we should definitely mention the online casino industry as one of the fastest-growing ones in the last few years. Especially this year, with the pandemic and the lockdowns – gambling online is the safer and only choice for a great number of players. Women – Lovers of Online […]
3 Ways How to Personalize Your Laptop

Most of us use laptops daily to do our job, answer emails, study, take notes in class, or mindlessly browse through hundreds of YouTube videos in one evening. Whatever you use your laptop for one this is sure — it’s a pretty vital piece of tech. And rightfully so, these little machines have enabled us […]