
Cabs in the UK | Cab statistics - where are the easiest and most difficult places to hail a cab from? | travel | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

The Best and Worst Places to Catch a Cab

There are few things more frustrating than not being able to catch a cab and especially if you are in a rush. It is for this reason why it is worth knowing where is the best for coverage of taxis in the UK. Along with where has the fewest so that you can book ahead […]

Car Checklist and car maintenance | Range Rover 4x4 Car | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

3 Car Maintenance Do’s & Don’ts You Need To Know

With a brand new car on the horizon, 10 years of solid driving and more parking tickets than I care to remember it’s kind of a no-brainer that owning (and maintaining) a car can be expensive! My Granda is always quick to point out that before a long drive, and you know I make a

What you need to know about drink driving | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

12 Things Alcohol Does To The Brain and Why You Shouldn’t Be Driving

Disclaimer: the material presented in the article below should only be considered as a general overview regarding driving under the influence. Should you, or anyone you know, find yourself getting arrested for or charged with driving under the influence, it’s best that you speak to a DUI attorney immediately. He/she can help you decide on

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